Source code for calibrateAttenuation

import math
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tifffile
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def cubicFit( x, l, n, m, c ): return l*x**3 + n*x**2 + m*x + c
def quadraticFit( x, n, m, c ): return n*x**2 + m*x + c
def linearFit( x, m, c ): return m*x + c
def linearFitNoIntercept( x, m ): return m*x

[docs]def getPathLengthThroughSphere(p, r, sdd, sod): ''' Get the path length of a ray passing through a sphere. Schematic diagram is provided in the supplementary methods section of the first (only?) radiosphere paper. Parameters ---------- p : float The distance in mm along the detector panel from the centre. r : float The particle radius in mm. sdd : float The source-detector distance in mm. sod : float The source-object distance in mm. Returns ------- L : float The path length through the sphere in mm. If the path lies outside the sphere, returns 0. ''' try: p = float(p) #print p, alpha = math.atan( p/sdd ) #print alpha beta = math.asin( sod*math.sin(alpha) / r ) L = 2.0*r*math.sin(math.pi/2.0-beta) #print numpy.rad2deg(alpha), numpy.rad2deg(beta), L return L except: return 0.0
[docs]def generateFitParameters(calibSphereLog,pixelSizeMM,sourceDetectorDistMM,sourceObjectDistanceMM,radiusMM,centreYXpx,fitFunction=linearFit,outputPath=False,verbose=False): ''' Fit an attenuation law to a logged normalised radiograph of a single particle. Parameters ---------- calibSphereLog : 2D numpy array of floats A radiograph of a single particle divided by the background intensity and then logged. pixelSizeMM : float The size of a single pixel in mm on the detector panel. sourceDetectorDistMM: float The source-detector distance in mm. sourceObjectDistanceMM: float The source-object distance in mm. radiusMM : float The particle radius in mm. centreYXpx : 1D numpy array of floats The y and x location of the centre of the particle in pixels. fitFunction : function handle (optional) The fitting function to use. By default fit a linear fitting law. Options are `cubicFit`, `quadraticFit`, `linearFit` and `linearFitNoIntercept` outputPath : string (optional) A path to save the fit as an `npy` file. verbose : bool (optional) Show the fit on a graph. Default is False. Returns ------- L: float The path length through the sphere in mm. If the path lies outside the sphere, returns 0. ''' alphaMax = math.asin( radiusMM/sourceObjectDistanceMM ) pmax = math.tan( alphaMax ) * sourceDetectorDistMM # Pixel positions going -x from the middle of the sphere in MM pixelPoints = numpy.array(range(int(round(centreYXpx[0])))[::-1]) pixelPointsMMdetector = pixelPoints*pixelSizeMM points = [] #for pn, pMMdet in enumerate(pixelPointsMMdetector[0:130]): for pn, pMMdet in enumerate(pixelPointsMMdetector): #if pMMdet < pmax: L = getPathLengthThroughSphere( pMMdet, radiusMM, sourceDetectorDistMM, sourceObjectDistanceMM ) if L > 0: points.append( [ L, calibSphereLog[pixelPoints[-pn], int(centreYXpx[1])], pixelPoints[-pn] ] ) points = numpy.array( points ) poptN,pcov = curve_fit(fitFunction, points[:,1], points[:,0]) if outputPath:, poptN) if verbose: D = 150 plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(calibSphereLog) plt.colorbar() plt.plot(int(centreYXpx[1])*numpy.ones_like(points[:,2]),points[:,2],'w--') plt.plot(int(centreYXpx[1]),points[0,2],'wx') plt.plot(int(centreYXpx[1]),points[-1,2],'wx') plt.xlim(centreYXpx[1]-D,centreYXpx[1]+D) plt.ylim(centreYXpx[0]-D,centreYXpx[0]+D) plt.subplot(122) plt.plot( points[:,1], points[:,0], 'k.', label='Measured value' ) # Measured calib sphere with 130kV\nand 1.00mm Cu filter plt.plot( points[:,1], fitFunction( points[:,1], *poptN ), 'k-', alpha=0.5, label='Fit' ) plt.ylabel("Path length inside\nsphere (mm)") # plt.ylim([0, max(points[:,0])]) plt.xlabel(r"Log Attenuation $\ln(I/I_0)$") plt.legend(loc=0) # plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.21,top=0.99,right=0.99,left=0.16) # plt.savefig('./figures/experimental-attenuationCalibration.pdf') return poptN
if __name__ == '__main__':'./tools/radioSphere.mplstyle') calibSpherePath = './data/2021-02-09-EddyBillesNanoBis/7mm-AVG64.tif' backgroundPath = './data/2021-02-09-EddyBillesNanoBis/I0-AVG64.tif' outputPath = "./cache/fit-log-linear.npy" # Load images calibSphere = tifffile.imread(calibSpherePath).astype(float) / tifffile.imread(backgroundPath).astype(float) calibSphereLog = numpy.log(calibSphere) # Projection geometry stuff binning=4 pixelSizeMM = 0.127*float(binning) sourceDetectorDistMM = 242.597 # from XAct radiusMM = 7/2 sourceObjectDistanceMM = sourceDetectorDistMM * ( radiusMM/71 / pixelSizeMM) # 71 pixels across diameter, so 51um/px, pixels 0.508 mm # uncertain parameter, this wiggles it sourceObjectDistanceMM += 0.5 # print("SOD = ", sourceObjectDistanceMM) centreYXpx = numpy.array([ 229, 183 ]) poptN = generateFitParameters(calibSphereLog,pixelSizeMM,sourceDetectorDistMM,sourceObjectDistanceMM,radiusMM,centreYXpx,outputPath=outputPath,verbose=True)