Source code for detectSpheres

Library of RadioSphere spheres detection functions.

import radioSphere.projectSphere
import os
import numpy
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.signal
from scipy.spatial import distance

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tifffile

import multiprocessing
import progressbar

# Global number of processes
nProcessesDefault = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

# helper projector function operating on fx (approximation of "indicator" function)
def _PIprojector(f):
    g = f.copy()
    g[f<0.] = 0. # discard negative values
    g = numpy.round(g) # round to the nearest integer
    return g

# Bottom of page 8 in TomoPack.pdf ---< just take peaks in a 3x3 pixel area, and weight by all of the mass in that area
_kernel = numpy.array([[1,2,1], [2,4,2], [1,2,1]])/16. # gaussian kernel 2D
def _filter_maxima(f, debug=False, removeNegatives=False):
    # This is making our complex result into a scalar result
    f_abs = numpy.abs(f)

    # Remove negatives -- however keeping negatives can help sharpen the result of the convolution
    if removeNegatives: f_abs[f<0] = 0

    fxConvolved = scipy.ndimage.convolve(f_abs, _kernel)
    fxConvolvedMaxFiltered = scipy.ndimage.maximum_filter(fxConvolved, size=(3,3))

    peaks  = fxConvolved == fxConvolvedMaxFiltered
    masses = peaks*fxConvolved

    if debug:
        plt.subplot(2, 3, 1)

        plt.subplot(2, 3, 2)

        plt.subplot(2, 3, 3)

        plt.subplot(2, 3, 4)

        plt.subplot(2, 3, 5)

    return masses

[docs]def tomopack(radioMM, psiMM, maxIterations=50, l=0.5, epsilon='iterative', kTrustRatio=0.75, verbose=False, graphShow=False): ''' 'tomopack' FFT-based algorithm for sphere identification by Stéphane Roux. the FFT of psiMM as a structuring element to pick up projected spheres in radioMM using a parallel projection hypothesis. Parameters ---------- radioMM : 2D numpy array of floats Radiography containing "distance" projections in mm This is typically the result of mu*log(I/I_0) psiMM : 2D numpy array of floats A (synthetic) projection in mm of a single sphere in the centre of the detector This is the structuring element used for FFT recognition. Should be same size as radioMM maxIterations : int, optional Number of iterations to run the detection for Default = 50 l : float, ptional "Lambda" parameter which controls relaxation in the iterations Default = 0.5 epsilon : float, optional, or 'iterative' Trust cutoff wavelengths in psi. If the radiograph is in mm so is this parameter Default = 'iterative' -- updating until `kTrustRatio` (below) is reached kTrustRatio : float, optional Ratio of cutoff psi wavelengths Default = 0.75 verbose : bool, optional Get to know what the function is really thinking Default = False graphShow : bool, optional Show evolution of fx during iterations, and final one together with radio and psi Default = False Returns ------- fx : 2D numpy array The approximation of the `indicator` function Same size as radioMM, with high values where we think spheres centres are Consider using `indicatorFunctionToDetectorPositions()` to get the IJ detector coordinates of the centres ''' assert(len(radioMM.shape) == 2), "detectSpheres.tomopack(): radio should be a 2D array" assert(len(psiMM.shape) == 2), "detectSpheres.tomopack(): psi should be a 2D array" assert(len(psiMM.shape) == len(radioMM.shape)), "detectSpheres.tomopack(): psi and radioMM should be same size" # compute FFT of input radio radioMMFFT = numpy.fft.fft2(radioMM) # compute FFT of input psi (structuring element or shape function) #psiMM_FFT = numpy.fft.fft2(psiMM) # 2021-10-26 OS: phase shift of psi so that zero phase angle is positioned at the centre of the detector # avoids the HACK of shifting fx later psiMMFFT = numpy.fft.fft2(numpy.fft.fftshift(psiMM)) # Naiive approach to compute fx by a direct division and deconvolution with numpy.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): fkNaiive = radioMMFFT/psiMMFFT fxNaiive = numpy.fft.ifft2(fkNaiive) # Prepare for iterations fx = numpy.zeros_like(radioMM) if epsilon == 'iterative': epsilon = 1e-5 kTrust = numpy.abs(psiMMFFT) > epsilon while kTrust.sum()/kTrust.shape[0]/kTrust.shape[1] > kTrustRatio: epsilon *= 1.5 kTrust = numpy.abs(psiMMFFT) > epsilon fxOld = epsilon*numpy.ones_like(radioMM) else: fxOld = epsilon*numpy.ones_like(radioMM) kTrust = numpy.abs(psiMMFFT) > epsilon if verbose: print(f"kTrust maintains {100*kTrust.sum()/kTrust.shape[0]/kTrust.shape[1]}% of wavenumubers") it = 0 # Start iterations as per Algorithm 1 in TomoPack # Objective: get a good indicator function fx while numpy.linalg.norm(fx - fxOld) > 1e-8: # NOTE: Using a different epsilon here (OS: could be an input perhaps) if graphShow: plt.clf() fxOld = fx.copy() fk = numpy.fft.fft2(fx) fk[kTrust] = fkNaiive[kTrust] #fx = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.ifft2(fk)) # importing HACK from 1D version fx = numpy.fft.ifft2(fk) fx = fx + l*(_PIprojector(fx) - fx) if graphShow: plt.suptitle(f'Iteration Number = {it}', fontsize=10) plt.imshow(numpy.real(fx), vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.colorbar() plt.pause(0.001) it += 1 if it > maxIterations: if verbose: print('\tNo convergence before max iterations"') # fx = numpy.zeros_like(fx) # NOTE: Should we return a zero indicator function? break if graphShow: from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm plt.figure(figsize=[8, 6]) plt.subplot(321) plt.title(r'$p(x)$') plt.imshow(radioMM) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(322) plt.title(r'$\psi(x)$') plt.imshow(psiMM, vmin=radioMM.min(), vmax=radioMM.max()) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(323) plt.title(r'$|\tilde{p}(k)|$') plt.imshow(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fftshift(radioMMFFT)), norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.1, vmax=10**5)) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(324) plt.title(r'$|\tilde{\psi}(k)|$') plt.imshow(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fftshift(psiMMFFT)), norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.1, vmax=10**5)) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(325) plt.title(r'Estimated $f(x)$') plt.imshow(numpy.real(fx), vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.colorbar() psiMMFFTtrusted = psiMMFFT.copy() psiMMFFTtrusted[~kTrust] = numpy.nan plt.subplot(326) plt.title(r'$|\tilde{\psi}(ktrust)|$') plt.imshow(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fftshift(psiMMFFTtrusted)), norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.1, vmax=10**5)) plt.colorbar() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) return numpy.real(fx)
[docs]def indicatorFunctionToDetectorPositions(fx, scanFixedNumber=None, massThreshold=0.5, debug=False): ''' This function takes an indicator function fx and returns peaks on the detector. fx can be a 2D array, which is directly the raw output from tomopack, or a 3D array, if a series of tomopack was run. In both cases, the peaks returned as a (n x 3) 2D array, where the first column corresponds to the slice of the fx series that peaks were found. If a 2D input fx is passed, the first column is always 0 (zero slice in 3D). Parameters ---------- fx : 2D or 3D numpy array of floats Approximation of indicator function For a divergent beam this should be a 3D array scanFixedNumber : int, optional The number of spheres scanned If None, peaks will be thresholded based on `massThreshold` (below) Default = None massThreshold : float, optional Threshold for accepting the result of the filtered indicator function Activated if `scanFixedNumber` (above) is None Default = 0.5 debug : bool, optional Show debug graphs (especially in the maximum filtering) Default = False Returns ------- peaksPOSnJI : (N x 3) 2D numpy array Positions of spheres centres (N) on the detector (slice, rows, coloumns (JI)) Where slice is the CORx slice the resonance peak falls in (only makes sense for a 3D fx) ''' assert(len(fx.shape) == 2 or len(fx.shape) == 3), "detectSpheres.indicatorFunctionToDetectorPositions(): Need 2D or 3D array" twoD = False if len(fx.shape) == 2: twoD = True # we're not in a divergent beam, let's filter the maxima of fx fx = _filter_maxima(fx, debug=debug) # and add a fake axis to homogenise the output fx = fx[numpy.newaxis, ...] if scanFixedNumber: # get the indices of all of the peaks, from highest to lowest sortedPeakIndices = numpy.argsort(fx, axis=None)[::-1] # get just the first scanFixedNumber of those and put them into a scanFixedNumber x 3 array peaksJI = numpy.vstack(numpy.unravel_index(sortedPeakIndices[:scanFixedNumber], fx.shape)).T else: filteredPeaks = fx > massThreshold if filteredPeaks.sum() == 0: print("\ndetectSpheres.indicatorFunctionToDetectorPositions(): massThreshold too low to detect any peaks. That's probably not good...") peaksJI = numpy.argwhere(filteredPeaks) return peaksJI
[docs]def detectorPeaksTo3DCoordinates(peaksJI, CORxPos, detectorResolution=[512, 512], pixelSizeMM=0.1, sourceDetectorDistMM=100): ''' This function takes positions on the detector (identified peaks of the indicator function) and a set of positions in the x-ray direction (where a series of tomopack was run) and returns the corresponding XYZ coordinates Parameters ---------- peaksJI : 2D numpy array of int Positions of spheres centres on the detector (rows, coloumns (JI)) CORxPos : 1D numpy array of floats Positions in the x-ray direction on which a series of tomopack was run If not a divergent beam, this should be an array full of the same number -- COR pixelSizeMM : float, optional Pixel size on detector in mm Default = 0.1 detectorResolution : 2-component list of ints, optional Number of pixels rows, columns of detector Default = [512,512] sourceDetectorDistMM : float, optional Distance between x-ray source and middle of detector. Set as numpy.inf for parallel projection Default = 100 Returns ------- posXYZmm : (N x 3) 2D numpy array Positions of spheres centres (N) in 3D (XYZ) in mm If not a divergent beam, posX is the input COR ''' assert(len(peaksJI.shape) == 2), "detectSpheres.detectorPeaksTo3DCoordinates(): Need a 2D array" posXYZmm = numpy.zeros([peaksJI.shape[0], 3]) for i in range(posXYZmm.shape[0]): # X -- look up which CORx slice the maximum falls in, this could be interpolated instead of rounded posXYZmm[i, 0] = CORxPos[int(numpy.round(peaksJI[i, 0]))] # detector I gives real position Y in mm yPosDetMM = -1*(peaksJI[i, 2] - detectorResolution[1]/2.0)*pixelSizeMM # detector J gives real position Z in mm zPosDetMM = -1*(peaksJI[i, 1] - detectorResolution[0]/2.0)*pixelSizeMM # And now scale down by zoom factor # Y posXYZmm[i, 1] = yPosDetMM * (posXYZmm[i, 0] / sourceDetectorDistMM) # Z posXYZmm[i, 2] = zPosDetMM * (posXYZmm[i, 0] / sourceDetectorDistMM) return posXYZmm
[docs]def computeFxAndPsiSeries(radioMM, radiusMM, CORxPositions, pixelSizeMM=0.1, sourceDetectorDistMM=100, blur=0.0, maxIterations=50, l=0.5, epsilon="iterative", kTrustRatio=0.75, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault): ''' This function takes in a single divergent projection and positions along the ray direction, and returns the corresponding indicator function (fx) and structuring element (psi) series by running (in parallel) a series of tomopack Parameters ---------- radioMM : 2D numpy array of floats Radiography containing "distance" projections in mm This is typically the result of mu*log(I/I_0) radiusMM : float Particle radius in mm CORxPositions : 1D numpy array of floats Positions in the x-ray direction on which a series of tomopack will be run pixelSizeMM : float, optional Pixel size on detector in mm Default = 0.1 sourceDetectorDistMM : float, optional Distance between x-ray source and middle of detector. Set as numpy.inf for parallel projection Default = 100 blur : float, optional Sigma of blur to pass to `scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` to blur the synthetic psi Default = 0 maxIterations : int, optional Number of iterations to run tomopack Default = 50 l : float, optional "Lambda" parameter which controls relaxation in tomopack iterations Default = 0.5 epsilon : float, optional, or 'iterative' Trust cutoff wavelengths in psi If the radiograph is in mm so is this parameter Default = 'iterative' -- updating until `kTrustRatio` (below) is reached kTrustRatio : float, optional Ratio of cutoff psi wavelengths Default = 0.75 nProcesses : integer, optional Number of processes for multiprocessing Default = number of CPUs in the system Returns ------- fXseries : 3D numpy array of floats Indicator function series along the x-ray direction Its shape is (len(CORxPositions), radioMM.shape[0], radioMM.shape[1]) psiXseries : 3D numpy array of floats Structuring element series along the x-ray direction Its shape is (len(CORxPositions), radioMM.shape[0], radioMM.shape[1]) ''' # Create empty arrays fXseries = numpy.zeros((len(CORxPositions), radioMM.shape[0], radioMM.shape[1])) psiXseries = numpy.zeros_like(fXseries) psiMMseries = numpy.zeros_like(fXseries) psiRefMM = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(numpy.array([[(CORxPositions.min() + CORxPositions.max())/2, 0., 0.]]), numpy.array([radiusMM]), detectorResolution=radioMM.shape, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeMM, sourceDetectorDistMM=sourceDetectorDistMM, blur=blur) pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(CORxPositions)).start() finishedPos = 0 # Loop over CORx global computeOneCOR def computeOneCOR(pos): CORxPos = CORxPositions[pos] psiMM = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(numpy.array([[CORxPos, 0., 0.]]), numpy.array([radiusMM]), detectorResolution=radioMM.shape, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeMM, sourceDetectorDistMM=sourceDetectorDistMM, blur=blur) fX = radioSphere.detectSpheres.tomopack(radioMM, psiMM, maxIterations=maxIterations, l=l, kTrustRatio=kTrustRatio) psiX = radioSphere.detectSpheres.tomopack(psiRefMM, psiMM, maxIterations=maxIterations, l=l, kTrustRatio=kTrustRatio) return pos, fX, psiX # Run multiprocessing with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool: for returns in pool.imap_unordered(computeOneCOR, range(len(CORxPositions))): fXseries[returns[0]] = returns[1] psiXseries[returns[0]] = returns[2] finishedPos += 1 pbar.update(finishedPos) pool.close() pool.join() pbar.finish() return fXseries, psiXseries
[docs]def tomopackDivergentScanTo3DPositions(radioMM, radiusMM, CORxRef=None, CORxMin=None, CORxMax=None, CORxNumber=100, fXseries=None, psiXseries=None, pixelSizeMM=0.1, sourceDetectorDistMM=100, blur=0.0, maxIterations=50, l=0.5, epsilon="iterative", kTrustRatio=0.75, scanFixedNumber=None, massThreshold=0.5, saveSeries=True, saveSeriesDirectory=None, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=True): """ This function takes in a single divergent projection, and will run tomopack generating different psis by varying their position as Centre Of Rotation (COR) in the x-direction, from CORxMin to CORxMax in CORxNumber steps. The resulting series of indicator functions is analysed and a 3D position guess for all identified spheres is returned. Parameters ---------- radioMM : 2D numpy array of floats Radiography containing "distance" projections in mm This is typically the result of mu*log(I/I_0) radiusMM : float Particle radius in mm fXseries: 3D numpy array of floats, optional Indicator function series along the x-ray direction Default = None psiXseries: 3D numpy array of floats, optional Structuring element series along the x-ray direction Default = None pixelSizeMM : float, optional Pixel size on detector in mm Default = 0.1 sourceDetectorDistMM : float, optional Distance between x-ray source and middle of detector Default = 100 blur : float, optional Sigma of blur to pass to `scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` to blur the synthetic psi Default = 0 maxIterations : int, optional Number of iterations to run tomopack Default = 50 l : float, optional "Lambda" parameter which controls relaxation in tomopack iterations Default = 0.5 epsilon : float, optional, or 'iterative' Trust cutoff wavelengths in psi for tomopack If the radiograph is in mm so is this parameter Default = 'iterative' -- updating until `kTrustRatio` (below) is reached kTrustRatio : float, optional Ratio of cutoff psi wavelengths for tomopack Default = 0.75 scanFixedNumber : int, optional The number of spheres scanned If None peaks will be thresholded based on `massThreshold` (below) Default = None massThreshold : float, optional Threshold for accepting the result of the filtered indicator function Activated if `scanFixedNumber` (above) is None Default = 0.5 saveSeries : boolean, optional Save indicator function, psi and filtered series as tif files Default = True saveSeriesDirectory : str, optional Directory to save the computed series Default = None nProcesses : integer, optional Number of processes for multiprocessing Default = number of CPUs in the system verbose : boolean, optional Print what the function is doing? Default = True Returns ------- positionsXYZmm : 2D numpy array Positions of spheres centres in 3D (in mm) """ assert(len(radioMM.shape) == 2), "\ndetectSpheres.tomopackDivergentScanTo3DPositions(): Projection should be 2D array" assert(CORxMin or CORxRef), "\ndetectSpheres.tomopackDivergentScanTo3DPositions(): Need either position limits along the ray beam or the reference COR" ############################################################################# # Create positions array along ray beam to run series of tomopack ############################################################################# if not CORxMin: CORxMin = CORxRef-3*radiusMM if not CORxMax: CORxMax = CORxRef+3*radiusMM #CORxPositions = numpy.linspace(CORxMin, CORxMax, CORxNumber) CORxPositions = numpy.geomspace(CORxMin, CORxMax, CORxNumber) meanDeltaCORx = numpy.mean(numpy.diff(CORxPositions)) if saveSeries: try: if saveSeriesDirectory: if verbose: print(f"\nOutput directory: \n\t{saveSeriesDirectory}") os.makedirs(saveSeriesDirectory) else: if verbose: print(f"\nOutput directory: \n\t{os.getcwd()}") saveSeriesDirectory = os.getcwd() except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(saveSeriesDirectory): raise ############################################################################# # Load or compute fx and psi series ############################################################################# loadedSeries = False if fXseries and psiXseries: if os.path.isfile(fXseries) and os.path.isfile(psiXseries): if verbose: print("\nLoading previous indicator functions and psi series... ", end="") fXseries = tifffile.imread(fXseries) psiXseries = tifffile.imread(psiXseries) if (fXseries.shape == psiXseries.shape) and (fXseries.shape[1:] == radioMM.shape): if fXseries.shape[0] == len(CORxPositions): if verbose: print("done.") loadedSeries = True else: if verbose: print("\nInput series had wrong dimensions. They will be recomputed") if not loadedSeries: if verbose: print(f"\nNo input fx and psi series found. Computing them now using {nProcesses} cores") fXseries, psiXseries = computeFxAndPsiSeries(radioMM, radiusMM, CORxPositions, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeMM, sourceDetectorDistMM=sourceDetectorDistMM, blur=blur, maxIterations=maxIterations, l=l, epsilon=epsilon, kTrustRatio=kTrustRatio, nProcesses=nProcesses) if saveSeries: tifffile.imsave(saveSeriesDirectory+"/fXseries.tif", fXseries.astype('<f4')) tifffile.imsave(saveSeriesDirectory+"/psiXseries.tif", psiXseries.astype('<f4')) ############################################################################# # Clean resonance peaks of fx series # by a convolution with a SE extracted from the psi series ############################################################################# #if verbose: print("\nConvolving fx with psi series...", end="") ##Lx = 20 # TODO: SCALING IN X DIRECTION SHOULD BE A FUNCTION OF THE CONE ANGLE ##Lyz = 2 # TODO: THIS SHOULD BE A FUNCTION OF THE PIXELS PER RADIUS zoomLevel = sourceDetectorDistMM/((CORxMin + CORxMax)/2) Lx = int(numpy.ceil(1.5*radiusMM/meanDeltaCORx)) Lyz = int(numpy.floor(0.1*radiusMM/pixelSizeMM*zoomLevel)) struct = psiXseries[(psiXseries.shape[0])//2 - Lx:(psiXseries.shape[0])//2 + Lx + 1, (psiXseries.shape[1])//2 - Lyz:(psiXseries.shape[1])//2 + Lyz + 1, (psiXseries.shape[2])//2 - Lyz:(psiXseries.shape[2])//2 + Lyz + 1] ## OS 2021-11-19: Let's do a fourier convolution which should be way faster ##fXconvolvedSeries = scipy.ndimage.convolve(fXseries,struct/struct.sum()) fXconvolvedSeries = scipy.signal.convolve(fXseries, struct/struct.sum(), mode="same") if verbose: print(" done.") if saveSeries: tifffile.imsave(saveSeriesDirectory+"/psiXseries-convolutionSE.tif", struct.astype('<f4')) tifffile.imsave(saveSeriesDirectory+"/fXconvolvedSeries.tif", fXconvolvedSeries.astype('<f4')) #fXconvolvedSeries = fXseries.copy() ############################################################################## # Filter maxima of cleaned fx series ############################################################################## if verbose: print("\nFiltering maxima...", end="") # Look in a volume of +/- half a radius in all directions for the highest value # (+/- 1 radius keeps overlapping and causing issues, half a radius doesn't overlap particles, but still contains one clean peak) fXconvolvedMaximumFiltered = scipy.ndimage.maximum_filter(fXconvolvedSeries, size=(int(numpy.ceil(1.5*radiusMM/meanDeltaCORx)), int(numpy.floor(radiusMM/pixelSizeMM*zoomLevel)), int(numpy.floor(radiusMM/pixelSizeMM*zoomLevel)) ) ) allPeaks = fXconvolvedSeries == fXconvolvedMaximumFiltered masses = allPeaks*fXconvolvedSeries if verbose: print(" done.") if saveSeries: tifffile.imsave(saveSeriesDirectory+'/masses.tif', masses.astype('<f4')) tifffile.imsave(saveSeriesDirectory+'/peaks.tif', allPeaks.astype('<f4')) tifffile.imsave(saveSeriesDirectory+'/fXconvolvedSeriesMaxFiltered.tif', fXconvolvedMaximumFiltered.astype('<f4')) ############################################################################## # Find filtered peaks on the detector ############################################################################## if verbose: print("\nConverting filtered peaks to detector positions...", end="") peaksCORxPOSnJI = radioSphere.detectSpheres.indicatorFunctionToDetectorPositions(masses, scanFixedNumber=scanFixedNumber, massThreshold=massThreshold) if verbose: print(" done.") ############################################################################## # Converting peaksJI to XYZmm ############################################################################## if verbose: print("\nConverting detector peaks to 3D positions...", end="") positionsXYZmm = radioSphere.detectSpheres.detectorPeaksTo3DCoordinates(peaksCORxPOSnJI, CORxPositions, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeMM, sourceDetectorDistMM=sourceDetectorDistMM) if verbose: print(" done.") print(f"\ntomopackDivergentScanTo3DPositions(): Returning {positionsXYZmm.shape[0]} 3D positions.\n") return positionsXYZmm
def removeParticle(positionsXYZmm,residual,radioMM,radiiMM,pixelSizeDetectorMM,zoomLevel,sourceObjectDistMM,verbose,GRAPH): if verbose: print('Removing a particle') # find the location of the highest peak on the detector panel. This is presumably the centroid. residualMMPeakIndices = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(residual, axis=None), residual.shape) if verbose: print(f'residualMMPeakIndices: {residualMMPeakIndices}') # define unit vector between source and peak location yPosDetMM = -1*(residualMMPeakIndices[1] - radioMM.shape[1]/2.0)*pixelSizeDetectorMM zPosDetMM = -1*(residualMMPeakIndices[0] - radioMM.shape[0]/2.0)*pixelSizeDetectorMM magnitude = numpy.sqrt(zoomLevel**2*sourceObjectDistMM**2 + yPosDetMM**2 + zPosDetMM**2) s = numpy.array([ zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM/magnitude, yPosDetMM/magnitude, zPosDetMM/magnitude]) if verbose: print(f's: {s}') # find distance of every particle from the line defined by this unit vector distances = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(positionsXYZmm,s),axis=1) if verbose: print(f'distances: {distances}') # remove the particle closest to the line closestParticleIndex = numpy.argmin(distances) positionsXYZmm = numpy.delete(positionsXYZmm, closestParticleIndex, axis=0) p_f_x = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(positionsXYZmm, radiiMM[0]*numpy.ones(len(positionsXYZmm)), sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape) residual = p_f_x - radioMM if GRAPH: plt.imshow(residual) return positionsXYZmm, residual def addParticle(*args, **kwargs): # return addParticleRaster(*args, **kwargs) return addParticleSensitivity(*args, **kwargs) def addParticleRaster(positionsXYZmm,residual,radioMM,radiiMM,pixelSizeDetectorMM,zoomLevel,sourceObjectDistMM,CORxMin, CORxMax,CORxNumber,verbose,GRAPH): if verbose: print('Adding a particle') # find the location of the highest peak on the detector panel. This is presumably the centroid. residualMMPeakIndices = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmin(residual, axis=None), residual.shape) if verbose: print(f'residualMMPeakIndices: {residualMMPeakIndices}') # define unit vector between source and peak location yPosDetMM = -1*(residualMMPeakIndices[1] - radioMM.shape[1]/2.0)*pixelSizeDetectorMM zPosDetMM = -1*(residualMMPeakIndices[0] - radioMM.shape[0]/2.0)*pixelSizeDetectorMM magnitude = numpy.sqrt(zoomLevel**2*sourceObjectDistMM**2 + yPosDetMM**2 + zPosDetMM**2) s = numpy.array([ zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM/magnitude, yPosDetMM/magnitude, zPosDetMM/magnitude]) if verbose: print(f's: {s}') # trying to find an optimal solution by doing a raster scan and looking for minimal residual x_test = numpy.linspace(CORxMin,CORxMax,CORxNumber) best_index = 0 best_residual = numpy.inf ref_projection = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(positionsXYZmm, radiiMM[0]*numpy.ones(len(positionsXYZmm)), sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape) limits = radioSphere.projectSphere.singleSphereToDetectorPixelRange(s*x_test[0], radiiMM[0], radiusMargin=0.1, sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape) ref_projection_crop = ref_projection[limits[0,0]:limits[0,1], limits[1,0]:limits[1,1]] radioMM_crop = radioMM[limits[0,0]:limits[0,1], limits[1,0]:limits[1,1]] for i,x in enumerate(x_test): single_particle_projection = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(numpy.expand_dims(s*x,axis=0), numpy.expand_dims(radiiMM[0],axis=0), sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape, ROIcentreMM=s*x_test[0], ROIradiusMM=radiiMM[0]) residual = ref_projection_crop + single_particle_projection - radioMM_crop # print(i, (residual**2).sum(), best_residual, best_index) if (residual**2).sum() < best_residual: best_index = i best_residual = (residual**2).sum() # plt.ion() # plt.title(i) # plt.imshow(residual) # plt.pause(0.001) bestPositionXYZmm = s*x_test[best_index] print(f'Best location at {best_index}-th x value: {x_test[best_index]}') optimise = True if optimise: import radiosphere.optimsePositions bestPositionXYZmm = radioSphere.optimisePositions.optimiseSensitivityFields(radioMM, numpy.expand_dims(bestPositionXYZmm,axis=0), # try the middle of the sample numpy.expand_dims(radiiMM[0],axis=0), perturbationMM=(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), # perturbationMM=(0.5, 0.25, 0.25), # perturbationMM=(1, 0.5, 0.5), # perturbationMM=(3, 1, 1), minDeltaMM=0.0001, iterationsMax=500, sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape, verbose=False, # GRAPH=True, # NDDEM_output=True ) positionsXYZmm = numpy.vstack([positionsXYZmm, bestPositionXYZmm]) p_f_x = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(positionsXYZmm, radiiMM[0]*numpy.ones(len(positionsXYZmm)), sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape) residual = p_f_x - radioMM if GRAPH: plt.imshow(residual) return positionsXYZmm, residual def addParticleSensitivity(positionsXYZmm,residual,radioMM,radiiMM,pixelSizeDetectorMM,zoomLevel,sourceObjectDistMM,CORxMin, CORxMax,CORxNumber,verbose,GRAPH): if verbose: print('Adding a particle') # find the location of the highest peak on the detector panel. This is presumably the centroid. residualMMPeakIndices = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmin(residual, axis=None), residual.shape) if verbose: print(f'residualMMPeakIndices: {residualMMPeakIndices}') # define unit vector between source and peak location yPosDetMM = -1*(residualMMPeakIndices[1] - radioMM.shape[1]/2.0)*pixelSizeDetectorMM zPosDetMM = -1*(residualMMPeakIndices[0] - radioMM.shape[0]/2.0)*pixelSizeDetectorMM magnitude = numpy.sqrt(zoomLevel**2*sourceObjectDistMM**2 + yPosDetMM**2 + zPosDetMM**2) s = numpy.array([ zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM/magnitude, yPosDetMM/magnitude, zPosDetMM/magnitude]) if verbose: print(f's: {s}') # trying to find an optimal solution by doing a raster scan and looking for minimal residual positionXYZmmOpt = radioSphere.optimisePositions.optimiseSensitivityFields( radioMM, numpy.expand_dims(s*sourceObjectDistMM,axis=0), # try the middle of the sample numpy.expand_dims(radiiMM[0],axis=0), perturbationMM=(0.001, 0.001, 0.001), minDeltaMM=0.0001, iterationsMax=500, sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape, verbose=False, NDDEM_output=True ) positionsXYZmm = numpy.vstack([positionsXYZmm, positionXYZmmOpt]) p_f_x = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(positionsXYZmm, radiiMM[0]*numpy.ones(len(positionsXYZmm)), sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape) residual = p_f_x - radioMM if GRAPH: plt.imshow(residual) return positionsXYZmm, residual def cleanDivergentScan(positionsXYZmm,radioMM,radiiMM,zoomLevel,sourceObjectDistMM,pixelSizeDetectorMM,CORxMin,CORxMax, CORxNumber,verbose=False,GRAPH=False): p_f_x = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(positionsXYZmm, radiiMM[0]*numpy.ones(len(positionsXYZmm)), sourceDetectorDistMM=zoomLevel*sourceObjectDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeDetectorMM, detectorResolution=radioMM.shape) residual = p_f_x - radioMM print(f'Maximum |residual| {numpy.abs(residual).max()}') # Found an extra particle that shouldn't be there removed = 0 added = 0 # remove any overlaps while residual.max() > 0.9: positionsXYZmm, residual = removeParticle(positionsXYZmm,residual,radioMM,radiiMM,pixelSizeDetectorMM,zoomLevel,sourceObjectDistMM,verbose,GRAPH) removed += 1 while residual.min() < -0.9: positionsXYZmm, residual = addParticle(positionsXYZmm,residual,radioMM,radiiMM,pixelSizeDetectorMM,zoomLevel,sourceObjectDistMM,CORxMin, CORxMax,CORxNumber,verbose,GRAPH) added +=1 # now we clean up the cleaning up to make sure we have the right number of particles while added > removed: positionsXYZmm, residual = removeParticle(positionsXYZmm,residual,radioMM,radiiMM,pixelSizeDetectorMM,zoomLevel,sourceObjectDistMM,verbose,GRAPH) removed += 1 while removed > added: positionsXYZmm, residual = addParticle(positionsXYZmm,residual,radioMM,radiiMM,pixelSizeDetectorMM,zoomLevel,sourceObjectDistMM,CORxMin, CORxMax,CORxNumber,verbose,GRAPH) added +=1 print(f'Removed {removed} particles and added {added}.') return positionsXYZmm def calculateErrors(posXYZa,posXYZb,radiiMM,verbose=True): distances = distance.cdist(posXYZa,posXYZb) distance_threshold = radiiMM[0] # an empty column in the distance matrix is a lost particle number_lost = numpy.sum((numpy.sum(distances <= distance_threshold, axis=0) == 0)) if number_lost > 0: print(f"detectSpheres.calculateErrors(): number_lost = {number_lost}") # get errors min_errors = numpy.min(distances, axis=0) # best match for each column min_valid_errors = min_errors[min_errors < distance_threshold] # just where we found a particle err_mean = numpy.mean(min_valid_errors) err_std = numpy.std( min_valid_errors) return err_mean, err_std, number_lost def psiSeriesScanTo3DPositions(radio, # not (necessarily) MM psiXseries, # Obviously in the same units as radio above, please radiusMM, # can be removed? CORxPositions = None, massThreshold=0.12, scanPersistenceThresholdRadii=None, scanFixedNumber=None, scanPersistenceThreshold=7, maxIterations=50, sourceDetectorDistMM=100, pixelSizeMM=0.1, l=0.2, kTrustRatio=0.7, useCache=True, numCores=1, blur=0.0, cacheFile='fXseries.tif', verbose=False): # it is our objective to fill in fx series fXseries = numpy.zeros_like(psiXseries) if CORxPositions is None: print("xPositions is not passed, just putting 1, 2, 3...") CORxPositions = numpy.arange(psiXseries.shape[0]) for posN, CORxPos in enumerate(CORxPositions): ### "Structuring Element" print("\t{}/{} CORxPos = {:0.2f} mm".format(posN+1, len(CORxPositions), CORxPos), end='\r') fXseries[posN] = radioSphere.detectSpheres.tomopack(radio, psiXseries[posN], GRAPH=0, maxIterations=maxIterations, l=l, kTrustRatio=kTrustRatio) tifffile.imsave(cacheFile, fXseries.astype('float')) print(f"saved {cacheFile}") #loadedCache = False #if useCache: #cachePsiFile = cacheFile[:-4] + '_psi.tif' #if os.path.isfile(cacheFile) and os.path.isfile(cachePsiFile): #print("Loading previous indicator functions... ", end="") #fXseries = tifffile.imread(cacheFile) #psiXseries = tifffile.imread(cachePsiFile) #if ( fXseries.shape[0] == CORxNumber ) and ( fXseries.shape[1] == radioMM.shape[0] ) and ( fXseries.shape[2] == radioMM.shape[1] ): #print("done.") #loadedCache = True #else: #print("cached file had wrong dimensions. Generating new cache file.") #else: #print('No cached indicator functions found. Generating them now to cache.') #if not loadedCache: #fXseries = numpy.zeros((len(CORxPositions), radioMM.shape[0], radioMM.shape[1])) #psiXseries = numpy.zeros_like(fXseries) #psiRefMM = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(numpy.array([[(CORxMax+CORxMin)/2., 0., 0.]]), #numpy.array([radiusMM]), #detectorResolution=radioMM.shape, #pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeMM, #sourceDetectorDistMM=sourceDetectorDistMM, #blur=blur) #for posN, CORxPos in enumerate(CORxPositions): #### "Structuring Element" #print("\t{}/{} CORxPos = {:0.2f}mm".format(posN+1, len(CORxPositions), CORxPos), end='\r') #psiMM = radioSphere.projectSphere.projectSphereMM(numpy.array([[CORxPos, 0., 0.]]), #numpy.array([radiusMM]), #detectorResolution=radioMM.shape, #pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeMM, #sourceDetectorDistMM=sourceDetectorDistMM, #blur=blur) #fXseries[posN] = radioSphere.detectSpheres.tomopack(radioMM, psiMM, GRAPH=0, maxIterations=maxIterations, l=l, kTrustRatio=kTrustRatio) #psiXseries[posN] = radioSphere.detectSpheres.tomopack(psiRefMM, psiMM, GRAPH=0, maxIterations=maxIterations, l=l, kTrustRatio=kTrustRatio) #if useCache and not loadedCache: #print("Saving indicator functions for next time... ", end="") #tifffile.imsave(cacheFile, fXseries.astype('<f4')) #tifffile.imsave(cachePsiFile, psiXseries.astype('<f4')) #print("done.") #L_x = 20 # TODO: SCALING IN X DIRECTION SHOULD BE A FUNCTION OF THE CONE ANGLE #L_yz = 2 # TODO: THIS SHOULD BE A FUNCTION OF THE PIXELS PER RADIUS #struct = psiXseries[(psiXseries.shape[0])//2 - L_x:(psiXseries.shape[0])//2 + L_x + 1, #(psiXseries.shape[1])//2 - L_yz:(psiXseries.shape[1])//2 + L_yz + 1, #(psiXseries.shape[2])//2 - L_yz:(psiXseries.shape[2])//2 + L_yz + 1] #fXconvolvedSeries = scipy.ndimage.convolve(fXseries,struct/struct.sum()) ##if useCache and not loadedCache: ##tifffile.imsave(f'{cacheFile[:-4]}_struct.tif', struct.astype('<f4')) ##tifffile.imsave(f'{cacheFile[:-4]}_fXconvolvedSeries.tif', fXconvolvedSeries.astype('<f4')) #binaryPeaks = fXconvolvedSeries > massThreshold zoomLevel = sourceDetectorDistMM/((CORxPositions[0] + CORxPositions[-1])/2) CORxDelta = numpy.abs(CORxPositions[0]-CORxPositions[1]) # Look in a volume of +/- half a radius in all directions for the highest value (+/- 1 radius keeps overlapping and causing issues, half a radius doesn't overlap particles, but still contains one clean peak) fXseriesMaximumFiltered = scipy.ndimage.maximum_filter(fXseries, size=(3*,*zoomLevel)),*zoomLevel))) ) allPeaks = fXseries == fXseriesMaximumFiltered masses = allPeaks*fXseries if verbose: tifffile.imsave(cacheFile[:-4] + '_masses.tif', masses.astype('<f4')) tifffile.imsave(cacheFile[:-4] + '_peaks.tif', allPeaks.astype('<f4')) tifffile.imsave(cacheFile[:-4] + '_fXseries.tif', fXseries.astype('<f4')) tifffile.imsave(cacheFile[:-4] + '_fXseriesMaximumFiltered.tif', fXseriesMaximumFiltered.astype('<f4')) if scanFixedNumber: # get the indices of all of the peaks, from highest to lowest sortedPeakIndices = numpy.argsort(masses, axis=None)[::-1] # print(sortedPeakIndices.shape) # get just the first scanFixedNumber of those and put them into a scanFixedNumber x 3 array peaksCORxPOSnJI = numpy.vstack(numpy.unravel_index(sortedPeakIndices[:scanFixedNumber], masses.shape)).T # print(peaksCORxPOSnJI.shape) else: filteredPeaks = masses > massThreshold peaksCORxPOSnJI = numpy.argwhere(filteredPeaks) if verbose: tifffile.imsave(cacheFile[:-4] + '_filteredPeaks.tif', filteredPeaks.astype('<f4')) # print(peaksCORxPOSnJI) ############################################################### ### Now we have guesses for all particle according to detector ### (IJ) and position along the X-scanning direction ### We're going to convert that to spatial XYZ ############################################################### print("\nConverting tomopack x-scan to 3D positions\n") ## Convert to XYZ in space and mm positionsXYZmm = numpy.zeros([peaksCORxPOSnJI.shape[0], 3]) for i in range(positionsXYZmm.shape[0]): # X -- look up which CORx slice the maximum falls in, this could be interpolated instead of rounded positionsXYZmm[i,0] = CORxPositions[int(numpy.round(peaksCORxPOSnJI[i,0]))] # detector I gives real position Y in mm yPosDetMM = -1*(peaksCORxPOSnJI[i,2] - radio.shape[1]/2.0)*pixelSizeMM # detector J gives real position Z in mm zPosDetMM = -1*(peaksCORxPOSnJI[i,1] - radio.shape[0]/2.0)*pixelSizeMM # And now scale down by zoom factor # Y positionsXYZmm[i,1] = yPosDetMM * ( positionsXYZmm[i,0] / sourceDetectorDistMM ) # Z positionsXYZmm[i,2] = zPosDetMM * ( positionsXYZmm[i,0] / sourceDetectorDistMM ) print(f"\ntomopackDivergentScanTo3DPositions(): I'm returning {positionsXYZmm.shape[0]} 3D positions.\n") return positionsXYZmm