Source code for projectSphere

import numpy
import scipy.ndimage
import sys, os

[docs]def pointToDetectorPixelRange(posMM, sourceDetectorDistMM=100, pixelSizeMM=0.1, detectorResolution=[512,512]): """ This function gives the detector pixel that a single point will affect. The main idea is that it will be used with `ROIaroundSphere` option for projectSphereMM() and in turn singleSphereToDetectorPixelRange() in order to only project the needed pixels. Parameters ---------- posMM : 1x3 2D numpy array of floats xyz position of sphere in mm, with the origin being the middle of the detector sourceDetectorDistMM : float, optional Distance between x-ray source and middle of detector Set as numpy.inf for parallel projection Default = 100 pixelSizeMM : float, optional Pixel size on detector in mm Default = 0.1 detectorResolution : 2-component list of ints, optional Number of pixels rows, columns of detector Default = [512,512] Returns ------- detectorPixel : tuple row, column (j,i) coordinate on detector as per figures/projectedCoords_v2.pdf """ assert(len(posMM.ravel())==3) posMM = posMM.ravel() if sourceDetectorDistMM == numpy.inf: projectedPixelSize = 1.0 else: zoomLevel = sourceDetectorDistMM/posMM[0] projectedPixelSize = pixelSizeMM/zoomLevel # This is the pixel position wrt to the middle of the detector YpositionProjectedPX = posMM[1] / projectedPixelSize ZpositionProjectedPX = posMM[2] / projectedPixelSize # Detector is rows, columns, so Z, Y detectorPX = numpy.array(detectorResolution)//2 - [ ZpositionProjectedPX, YpositionProjectedPX ] return numpy.round(detectorPX).astype(int)
[docs]def singleSphereToDetectorPixelRange(spherePositionMM, radiusMM, radiusMargin=0.1, sourceDetectorDistMM=100, pixelSizeMM=0.1, detectorResolution=[512,512], transformationCentreMM=None, transformationMatrix=None): """ This function gives the detector pixel range that a single sphere will affect. The main idea is that it will be used with `ROIaroundSphere` option for projectSphereMM() in order to only project the needed pixels. Parameters ---------- spherePositionMM : 1x3 2D numpy array of floats xyz position of sphere in mm, with the origin being the middle of the detector radiusMM : float Particle radius for projection radiusMargin : float Multiplicative margin on radius Default = 0.1 ROIaroundSphere : bool, optional If there is only one sphere, only compute a region-of-interest radiography? Default = False sourceDetectorDistMM : float, optional Distance between x-ray source and middle of detector Set as numpy.inf for parallel projection Default = 100 pixelSizeMM : float, optional Pixel size on detector in mm Default = 0.1 detectorResolution : 2-component list of ints, optional Number of pixels rows, columns of detector Default = [512,512] transformationCentreMM : 3-component vector XYZ centre for a transformation Default = None transformationMatrix : 3x3 numpy array XYZ transformation matrix to apply to coordinates Default = None Returns ------- JIrange : range in rows, colums of detector concerned by this grain """ assert((transformationCentreMM is None) == (transformationMatrix is None)), "projectSphere.singleSphereToDetectorPixelRange(): transformationCentreMM and transformationMatrix must both be set or unset" # Transform coordinates if so asked if transformationCentreMM is not None: spherePositionMM =, numpy.array(spherePositionMM).ravel() - numpy.array(transformationCentreMM).ravel()) + transformationCentreMM #spherePositionMM = numpy.array([, spherePositionMM[0] - transformationCentreMM) + transformationCentreMM]) x = spherePositionMM.ravel()[0] y = spherePositionMM.ravel()[1] z = spherePositionMM.ravel()[2] # compute bounding square from the corners of the XYZ-aligned cube closest to the detector # scrap that, do all corners for safety corners = numpy.zeros((8,2), dtype=int) n = 0 for dx in [-1, 1]: for dy in [-1, 1]: for dz in [-1, 1]: corners[n] = pointToDetectorPixelRange(numpy.array([x+radiusMM*dx+radiusMM*radiusMargin*dx, y+radiusMM*dy+radiusMM*radiusMargin*dy, z+radiusMM*dz+radiusMM*radiusMargin*dz]), sourceDetectorDistMM=sourceDetectorDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeMM, detectorResolution=detectorResolution) n += 1 #print("singleSphereToDetectorPixelRange():", numpy.max(corners, axis=0)) #print("singleSphereToDetectorPixelRange():", numpy.min(corners, axis=0)) maxRC = numpy.max(corners, axis=0) minRC = numpy.min(corners, axis=0) maxRC = numpy.minimum(maxRC,detectorResolution) # clip bounding box if past limits minRC = numpy.maximum(minRC,[0,0]) # clip bounding box if past limits return numpy.array([[minRC[0], maxRC[0]], [minRC[1], maxRC[1]]])
[docs]def projectSphereMM(spheresPositionMM, radiiMM, ROIcentreMM=None, ROIradiusMM=None, sourceDetectorDistMM=100, pixelSizeMM=0.1, detectorResolution=[512,512], projector='C', transformationCentreMM=None, transformationMatrix=None, blur=None, displacementsMM=None): """ This is the python wrapping function for the C++ projector, it gets projection geometry, list of particle positions and radii, projected in the X direction. The output is the crossed distance for each sphere in mm. Please refer to the figures/projectedCoords_v2 for geometry In order to allow projections from diffferent angles, an XYZ centre and a transformation matrix can be provided, which will be applied to the particle positions. Parameters ---------- spheresPositionMM : Nx3 2D numpy array of floats xyz positions of spheres in mm, with the origin being the middle of the detector radiiMM : 1D numpy array of floats Particle radii for projection ROIcentreMM : 3-component vector of floats, optional Particle position for ROI Default = Disactivated (None) ROIradiusMM : float, optional Particle radius for ROI Default = Disactivated (None) sourceDetectorDistMM : float, optional Distance between x-ray source and middle of detector. Set as numpy.inf for parallel projection Default = 100 pixelSizeMM : float, optional Pixel size on detector in mm Default = 0.1 detectorResolution : 2-component list of ints, optional Number of pixels rows, columns of detector Default = [512,512] projector : string, optional Algorithm for the projector (leave this alone for now) Default = 'C' transformationCentreMM : 3-component vector XYZ centre for a transformation Default = None transformationMatrix : 3x3 numpy array XYZ transformation matrix to apply to coordinates Default = None blur : float, optional sigma of blur to pass to scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter to blur the radiograph at the end of everything Returns ------- projectionMM : 2D numpy array of floats Radiography containing the total crossed distance through the spheres distance in mm for each beam path. To turn this into a radiography, the distances should be put into a calibrated Beer-Lambert law """ assert(len(spheresPositionMM.shape) == 2), "projectSphere.projectSphereMM(): spheresPositionMM is not 2D array" assert(len(radiiMM.shape) == 1), "projectSphere.projectSphereMM(): radiiMM is not 1D array" assert(spheresPositionMM.shape[0] == radiiMM.shape[0]), "projectSphere.projectSphereMM(): number of radii and number of sphere positions not the same" assert((transformationCentreMM is None) == (transformationMatrix is None)), "projectSphere.projectSphereMM(): transformationCentreMM and transformationMatrix must both be set or unset" # Transform coordinates if so asked if transformationCentreMM is not None: tmp = spheresPositionMM - transformationCentreMM for n, t in enumerate(tmp): tmp[n] =, t) tmp += transformationCentreMM spheresPositionMM = tmp # On the fly let's also move ROIcentreMM, no this is moved into transformation options in singleSphereToDetectorPixelRange #if ROIcentreMM is not None: #ROIcentreMM =, numpy.array(ROIcentreMM).ravel() - numpy.array(transformationCentreMM).ravel()) + transformationCentreMM # Special case: use this to indicate a parallel projection in the X-direction, so x-positions are ignored. if sourceDetectorDistMM == numpy.inf: if ROIcentreMM is None or ROIradiusMM is None: # Again refer to projectedCoords_v2.pdf # -z in space goes with j on the detector and # -y in space goes with i on the detector # use algorithm from tomopack iDetector = numpy.linspace( pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., -pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., detectorResolution[0]).astype('<f4') jDetector = numpy.linspace( pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., -pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., detectorResolution[1]).astype('<f4') iDetector2D, jDetector2D = numpy.meshgrid(jDetector, iDetector) projectionXmm = numpy.zeros(detectorResolution, dtype=('<f4')) for spherePositionMM, radiusMM in zip(spheresPositionMM, radiiMM): # This function returns the parallel projection (dims of x_detector) of particles positioned at x and y #print("Adding sphere at: ", spherePositionMM, 'r: ', radiusMM) tmp = radiusMM**2 - (spherePositionMM[1] - iDetector2D)**2 - (spherePositionMM[2] - jDetector2D)**2 mask = tmp > 0 projectionXmm[mask] += 2*numpy.sqrt(tmp[mask]) return projectionXmm else: print("projectSphere.projectSphereMM(): ROI mode in parallel not yet implemented (but shoudn't be to hard)") return # Flip axes for the C++ projector after applying transformation spheresPositionMM = spheresPositionMM * numpy.array([1, -1, -1]) if projector == 'C': #sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "/")) import projectSphereC3 if ROIcentreMM is None or ROIradiusMM is None: projectionXmm = numpy.zeros(detectorResolution, dtype=('<f4')) if displacementsMM is None: # This C++ function fill in the passed projectionXmm array projectSphereC3.project_func(numpy.array([sourceDetectorDistMM], dtype='<f4'), radiiMM.astype('<f4'), numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., detectorResolution[0]).astype('<f4'), numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., detectorResolution[1]).astype('<f4'), spheresPositionMM.astype('<f4'), projectionXmm) else: delta_blur = pixelSizeMM/4. # increment in MM between sphere centres to evaluate projection at n_delta = numpy.ceil(abs(displacementsMM)/delta_blur) // 2 * 2 + 1 # round up to next odd number n_delta = max(2, int(n_delta.max())) # currently just do global maximum number and project everything extra times to not have to worry about some getting more projections than others for i in range(n_delta): curSpheresPositionMM = spheresPositionMM - 0.85*displacementsMM/2 + i/(n_delta-1)*0.85*displacementsMM projectSphereC3.project_func(numpy.array([sourceDetectorDistMM], dtype='<f4'), radiiMM.astype('<f4'), numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., detectorResolution[0]).astype('<f4'), numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., detectorResolution[1]).astype('<f4'), curSpheresPositionMM.astype('<f4'), projectionXmm) # projectionXmm = project_capsule(numpy.array([sourceDetectorDistMM], dtype='<f4'), # radiiMM.astype('<f4'), # numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., # pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., # detectorResolution[0]).astype('<f4'), # numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., # pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., # detectorResolution[1]).astype('<f4'), # spheresPositionMM.astype('<f4'), # displacementsMM.astype('<f4'), # projectionXmm) projectionXmm /= n_delta elif ROIcentreMM is not None and ROIradiusMM is not None: # Make sure there's only one sphere: assert(len(spheresPositionMM.ravel())==3), "projectSphere.projectSphereMM(): in ROI mode I want only one sphere" # Get limits limits = singleSphereToDetectorPixelRange(ROIcentreMM.ravel(), ROIradiusMM, radiusMargin=0.1, sourceDetectorDistMM=sourceDetectorDistMM, pixelSizeMM=pixelSizeMM, detectorResolution=detectorResolution, transformationCentreMM=transformationCentreMM, transformationMatrix=transformationMatrix) # Define (smaller) projection array to fill in projectionXmm = numpy.zeros((limits[0,1]-limits[0,0], limits[1,1]-limits[1,0]), dtype=('<f4')) if displacementsMM is None: # This C++ function fill in the passed projectionXmm array -- not limits after linspace projectSphereC3.project_func(numpy.array([sourceDetectorDistMM], dtype='<f4'), radiiMM.astype('<f4'), numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., detectorResolution[0]).astype('<f4')[limits[0,0]:limits[0,1]], numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., detectorResolution[1]).astype('<f4')[limits[1,0]:limits[1,1]], spheresPositionMM.astype('<f4'), projectionXmm) else: delta_blur = pixelSizeMM/4. # increment in MM between sphere centres to evaluate projection at n_delta = numpy.ceil(abs(displacementsMM)/delta_blur) // 2 * 2 + 1 # round up to next odd number n_delta = max(2, int(n_delta.max())) # currently just do global maximum number and project everything extra times to not have to worry about some getting more projections than others for i in range(n_delta): curSpheresPositionMM = spheresPositionMM - 0.85*displacementsMM/2 + i/(n_delta-1)*0.85*displacementsMM # This C++ function fill in the passed projectionXmm array -- not limits after linspace projectSphereC3.project_func(numpy.array([sourceDetectorDistMM], dtype='<f4'), radiiMM.astype('<f4'), numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., detectorResolution[0]).astype('<f4')[limits[0,0]:limits[0,1]], numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., detectorResolution[1]).astype('<f4')[limits[1,0]:limits[1,1]], curSpheresPositionMM.astype('<f4'), projectionXmm) projectionXmm /= n_delta # This C++ function fill in the passed projectionXmm array #projectSphereC3.project_capsule_func(numpy.array([sourceDetectorDistMM], dtype='<f4'), #radiiMM.astype('<f4'), #numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., #pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[0]/2., #detectorResolution[0]).astype('<f4'), #numpy.linspace(-pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., #pixelSizeMM*detectorResolution[1]/2., #detectorResolution[1]).astype('<f4'), #spheresPositionMM.astype('<f4'), #displacementsMM.astype('<f4'), #projectionXmm) else: print("projectSphere.projectSphereMM(): If you set ROIcentreMM you must also set ROIradiusMM") else: print("projectSphere.projectSphereMM(): This projection mode not implemented") return if blur is not None: projectionXmm = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(projectionXmm, sigma=blur) return projectionXmm
[docs]def computeLinearBackground(radioMM, mask=None): """ This function computes a plane-fit for background greylevels to help with the correction of the background Parameters ---------- radioMM : 2D numpy array of floats The image mask : 2D numpy array of bools, optional Masked zone to fit? Returns ------- background : 2D numpy array of floats Same size as radioMM """ x,y = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(radioMM.shape[0]), numpy.arange(radioMM.shape[1]), indexing='ij') def plane(params,z,validPoints): output = params[0]*x[validPoints] + params[1]*y[validPoints] + z[validPoints] - params[2] return numpy.ravel(output) if mask is None: mask = numpy.abs(radioMM) < 0.05*radiiMM[0] # just where it is reasonable valued #isBackgroundMask *= numpy.abs(residualMM) > 0.1*radiiMM[0] # just where it is reasonable valued #plt.imshow(isBackgroundMask); LSQret = scipy.optimize.least_squares(plane, [0,0,0], args=[radioMM,mask]) backgroundPlane = - LSQret['x'][0]*x - LSQret['x'][1]*y + LSQret['x'][2] return backgroundPlane
[docs]def gl2mm(radio, calib=None): """ This function takes a greylevel radiograph (I/I0) and returns a radiograph in mm (L), representing the path length encountered. Parameters ---------- radio : a 2D numpy array of floats calib : dictionary (optional) This contains a calibration of greylevels to mm If not passed \mu is assumed to be 1. """ if calib is not None: print("projectSphere.gl2mm() I need to be implemented") return -numpy.log(radio)
[docs]def mm2gl(radioMM, calib=None): """ This function takes a radiograph in mm (L) and returns a radiograph in greylevels (I/I0) Parameters ---------- radioMM : a 2D numpy array of floats calib : dictionary (optional) This contains a calibration of greylevels to mm If not passed \mu is assumed to be 1. """ if calib is not None: print("projectSphere.mm2gl() I need to be implemented") return numpy.exp(-radioMM)
[docs]def computeMotionKernel(posPrev, posPost, displacementThreshold=1): """ Helper function that calculates unique motion kernel in 2D (detector plane) based on two given positions. Its size is given by the maximum displacement and its direction corresponds to the direction of the displacement vector Parameters ---------- posPrev : 2D numpy array of floats Nx3 positions of the particles in MM (step i-1) posPost : 2D numpy array of floats Nx3 positions of the particles in MM (step i+1) displacementThreshold : float Threshold displacement in MM Only if displacement is bigger than this value, a kernel is calculated Returns ------- kernel : 2D numpy array of floats Motion kernel """ # Calculate displacement only for y-z direction (detector plane) dx = posPost[1:]-posPrev[1:] kernelR = None if any(y > displacementThreshold for y in abs(dx)): # create an empty array with size the max of the displacement kernelSize = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.abs(dx).max()/2)*2 + 1) #round to the nearest odd number #kernelSize = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.abs(dxSphere).max()/2)*2 + 3) #round to the nearest odd number kernel = numpy.zeros((kernelSize, kernelSize)) # fill in a horizontal step (or hat) function kernel[int((kernelSize - 1)/2), :] = numpy.ones(kernelSize) # rotate kernel to follow the direction of the displacement vector direction = dx/numpy.linalg.norm(dx) theta = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan(direction[1]/direction[0])) kernelR = scipy.ndimage.rotate(kernel, -theta, reshape=False, order=3, mode="reflect", prefilter=False) # normalise and clean interpolation small values (coming from the ndimage rotation) kernelR /= kernelSize kernelR[kernelR < 0.01] = 0 #kernelR = kernel/kernelSize return kernelR
def project_capsule(SDD, radiiMM, widths, heights, positionsMM, displacementsMM, proj): for sphere in range(len(positionsMM)): axis_length = numpy.linalg.norm(displacementsMM[sphere]) V_sphere = 4/3*numpy.pi*radiiMM[sphere]**3 V_capsule = V_sphere + numpy.pi*radiiMM[sphere]**2*axis_length path_reduction_factor = V_sphere/V_capsule # a capsule has a lower attenuation because the same mass is smeared through a larger volume, so we need to lower the effective path length through the material # define a local coordinate reference system with z along the direction of displacement, and x and y normal to that z_unit_vector = displacementsMM[sphere] / axis_length y_vector = numpy.cross(z_unit_vector, z_unit_vector*numpy.random.rand(1,3)) # dont really care which direction y is in as long as it is normal to z x_vector = numpy.cross(y_vector, z_unit_vector) # and a third normal direction A = numpy.vstack([x_vector/numpy.linalg.norm(x_vector), y_vector/numpy.linalg.norm(y_vector), z_unit_vector]) # rotation matrix to go from global to local coordinates ray_source_rotated =,-positionsMM[sphere]) # apply the rotation matrix for i,y in enumerate(widths): for j,z in enumerate(heights): ray_vector = numpy.array([SDD,y,z]) rotated_vector =,ray_vector) path_length = _get_capsule_path_length(rotated_vector, ray_source_rotated, axis_length, radiiMM[sphere] ) proj[i,j] += path_length*path_reduction_factor return proj def _get_capsule_path_length(ray_vector, ray_source, axis_length, radius): path_length = 0 mag = numpy.linalg.norm(ray_vector) ray_unit_vector = ray_vector/mag # check for intersection with cylinder at ANY LOCAL z, i.e. does it cross the circle defined by the capsule. not a guarantee of collision with the capsule, just a collision with the infinite cylinder. a = ray_unit_vector[0]**2 + ray_unit_vector[1]**2 b = 2*ray_unit_vector[0]*ray_source[0] + 2*ray_unit_vector[1]*ray_source[1] c = ray_source[0]**2 + ray_source[1]**2 - radius**2 discriminant_squared = b**2 - 4*a*c if discriminant_squared > 0: # there must be two solutions, check them both for collisions l_0 = (-b + numpy.sqrt(discriminant_squared))/2/a l_1 = (-b - numpy.sqrt(discriminant_squared))/2/a l_2, x_0_good = _get_capsule_collision(l_0, ray_unit_vector, ray_source, radius, axis_length/2., 1) l_3, x_1_good = _get_capsule_collision(l_1, ray_unit_vector, ray_source, radius, axis_length/2., -1) if x_0_good and x_1_good: # if both have collisions, we have a ray that enters and leaves the capsule path_length = l_2 - l_3 return path_length def _get_capsule_collision(l, u_hat, o, r, a, sign): z = o[2] + u_hat[2]*l # z position at intercept with cylinder if numpy.abs(z) < a/2: return [l, True] # inside the cylindrical part if ( z > 0 ): z_offset = a/2 # pick one sphere to check else: z_offset = -a/2 c = numpy.array([0,0,z_offset]) # centre of sphere det =, o - c)**2 - (numpy.linalg.norm(o - c)**2 - r**2) if det > 0: # if the ray collides with the sphere l =, o-c) + sign*numpy.sqrt(det) # pick the correct part of the sphere return [l, True] return [None, False] # nothing found if __name__ == '__main__': # detector properties ny = nz = 100 Ly = Lz = 10 # width and height of panel SDD = 100 # distance from source to detector w = numpy.linspace(-Ly/2,Ly/2,ny) h = numpy.linspace(-Lz/2,Lz/2,nz) nspheres = 10 radiiMM = (numpy.random.rand(nspheres) + 2)/3 pos = 8*numpy.random.rand(nspheres,3) - 4 pos[:,0] += 90 disp = numpy.random.rand(nspheres,3) # disp = 1e-10*numpy.ones([nspheres,3]) # disp[:,1] = radiiMM # im = numpy.zeros([ny,nz]) # project_capsule(SDD, radiiMM, w, h, pos, disp, im) im = projectSphereMM(pos, radiiMM, sourceDetectorDistMM=SDD, pixelSizeMM=Ly/ny, detectorResolution=[ny,nz], projector='C', blur=None, displacementsMM=disp) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.pcolormesh(w,h,im.T) plt.xlabel('y') plt.ylabel('z') plt.colorbar()