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1# Library of SPAM image correlation functions. 

2# Copyright (C) 2020 SPAM Contributors 


4# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it 

5# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 

6# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) 

7# any later version. 


9# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 

10# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 

11# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for 

12# more details. 


14# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 

15# this program. If not, see <>. 


17import time # for debug 


19import numpy 

20import spam.DIC 

21import spam.label # for label tet 

22import tifffile 


24# 2017-05-29 ER and EA 

25# This is spam's C++ DIC toolkit, but since we're in the tools/ directory we can import it directly 

26from spam.DIC.DICToolkit import ( 

27 computeDICglobalMatrix, 

28 computeDICglobalVector, 

29 computeGradientPerTet, 




33def _errorCalc(im1, im2, im2ref, meshPaddingSlice): 

34 errorInitial = numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(im2ref[meshPaddingSlice] - im1[meshPaddingSlice]).sum()) 

35 errorCurrent = numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(im2[meshPaddingSlice] - im1[meshPaddingSlice]).sum()) 

36 return errorCurrent / errorInitial 



39def _makeRegularisationMatrix(regularisation, points, connectivity, Mc): 


41 # 1. check minimal number of parameters 

42 # 1.1: check mesh type 

43 try: 

44 MESH = regularisation["MESH"] 

45 MESH_TYPE = MESH.get("type", "cuboid") 

46 except KeyError as e: 

47 raise KeyError(f"[regularisation] Missing parameter: {e}") 


49 # 1.2: check mandatory BULK 

50 try: 

51 BULK = regularisation["BULK"] 

52 BULK_YOUNG = BULK["young"] 

53 BULK_POISSON = BULK["poisson"] 

54 BULK_KSI = BULK["ksi"] 

55 except KeyError as e: 

56 raise KeyError(f"[regularisation] Missing parameter in BULK: {e}") 

57 # 1.2 check cast not mandatory BULK 

58 BULK_FEW = BULK.get("few_times", 3.0) # we still need to figure out what it means 

59 print(f"[regularisation] [neumann] young = {BULK_YOUNG}") 

60 print(f"[regularisation] [neumann] poisson = {BULK_POISSON}") 

61 print(f"[regularisation] [neumann] ksi = {BULK_KSI}") 

62 print(f"[regularisation] [neumann] few = {BULK_FEW}") 


64 # 1.3: check dirichlet 

65 DIRICHLET = regularisation.get("DIRICHLET") 

66 try: 


68 DIRICHLET_SURFACES = [(k, v) for k, v in DIRICHLET["ksi"].items() if isinstance(v, int)] 

69 else: 


71 except KeyError as e: 

72 raise KeyError(f"Missing parameter in DIRICHLET: {e}") 


74 print(f'[regularisation] [dirichlet] Surface regularisation activated: {"yes" if DIRICHLET else "no"}') 


76 for k, v in DIRICHLET_SURFACES: 

77 # k is where, v is ksi 

78 print(f"[regularisation] [dirichlet]\t{k}: {v}") 


80 # 2. compute complete connectivity matrix 

81 K = spam.mesh.globalStiffnessMatrix(points, connectivity, BULK_YOUNG, BULK_POISSON) 


83 # 3. compute projection matrices 

84 # note: for cylinders we can't deduce the surface from the mesh 

85 # so it will need to be a user input in `regularisation` 

86 # diagonal matrix with 1 only on surface dof 

87 DS = numpy.zeros_like(K) 

88 # diagonal matrix with 1 only on surface with dirichlet dof for each 

89 # surface 

90 n_dirichlet = len(DIRICHLET_SURFACES) 

91 print(f"[regularisation] [dirichlet] number of surfaces -> {n_dirichlet}") 

92 DSd = [] 

93 DSd_A = [] 

94 DSd_B = [] 

95 DSd_nn = [] 

96 DSd_en = [] 

97 for si in range(n_dirichlet): 

98 DSd.append(numpy.zeros_like(K)) 

99 DSd_A.append(numpy.zeros_like(K)) # A matrix (to be inverted) 

100 DSd_B.append(numpy.zeros_like(K)) # B matrix (A.B = I) 

101 DSd_nn.append([]) # list of all node numbers on dirichlet surfaces 

102 DSd_en.append([]) # list of all equations on dirichlet surfaces 


104 # diagonal matrix with 1 only on surface with neuman dof 

105 DSn = numpy.zeros_like(K) 

106 if MESH_TYPE == "cuboid": 

107 # we assume it's a cuboid to define the surfaces 

108 # 1 x 6 array with [min_z, min_y, min_x, max_z, max_y, max_x] 

109 maxCoord = numpy.amax(points, axis=0).astype("<u2") 

110 minCoord = numpy.amin(points, axis=0).astype("<u2") 

111 surfaces_positions = list(minCoord) + list(maxCoord) 

112 print(f"[regularisation] [dirichlet] compute surfaces based on min/max mesh coordinates: {surfaces_positions}") 


114 # a list of [direction, positions fo reach surface] 

115 def _dirpos(key, surfaces_positions): 

116 """Simple parsing function that takes surface keys 

117 z_start, z_end, y_start, y_end, x_start, x_end 

118 and convert it to (direction, position) based on surfaces_positions 


120 surface_positions = [min_z, min_y, min_x, max_z, max_y, max_x] 

121 """ 

122 # split key 

123 dir_str, pos_str = key.split("_") 


125 # convert direction into integer 

126 _str2int = {"z": 0, "y": 1, "x": 2} 

127 direction = _str2int[dir_str] 


129 # convert position into coordinate 

130 _str2int = {"s": 0, "e": 1} 

131 position = surfaces_positions[3 * _str2int[pos_str[0]] + direction] 


133 print(f"[regularisation] [dirichlet] BC {key} -> {direction}, {position}") 


135 return direction, position # needs to be a tuple for later lookup 


137 bcd_lookup = [_dirpos(key, surfaces_positions) for key, _ in DIRICHLET_SURFACES] 

138 if DIRICHLET: 

139 print(f"[regularisation] [dirichlet] BC bcd_lookup = {bcd_lookup}") 


141 # loop over the points 


143 for A, point in enumerate(points): 

144 # print(f"[regularisation] point {A} {point} ({A/points.shape[0]*100:.2f}%)") 

145 # loop over the surfaces to find if current point belongs to it 

146 # A: global point number 

147 # point: [z, y, x] coordinate 


149 # get all the dofs for surfaces: DS 

150 for direction, position in enumerate(surfaces_positions): 

151 # since surfaces_positions = 

152 # [min_z, min_y, min_x, max_z, max_y, max_x] 

153 # position is alternatively min_z, min_y, ... 

154 # with mod 3 direction is 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2 

155 direction = direction % 3 # due to concatenation of min/max 

156 # check point position 

157 if abs(point[direction] - position) < 0.00001: 

158 # print(f"[regularisation] Point number {A}: {point} in surface N{direction} = {position}") 

159 # loop over the 3 dofs / deduce global equation number 

160 for i in range(3): 

161 # P: global equation number 

162 P = 3 * A + i 

163 DS[P, P] = 1 


165 # check if also dirichlet 

166 if DIRICHLET: 

167 try: 

168 # WARNING: position is float so we need to be 

169 # more careful about the comparison we make here 

170 # as one comes from user input and the other from 

171 # node coordinates 

172 # maybe use numpy.isclose 

173 si = bcd_lookup.index((direction, position)) 

174 DSd[si][P, P] = 1 

175 DSd_nn[si].append(A) 

176 DSd_en[si].append(P) 

177 # print(f'Dirichlet Surface {si} point {A} {P}') 

178 except ValueError: 

179 DSn[P, P] = 1 

180 else: 

181 DSn[P, P] = 1 


183 # with the break the point will be assigned to the 

184 # first surface of the loop (ie we could miss some 

185 # dirichlet bc if neuman comes first). 

186 # And since we don't have the control over the ordering 

187 # of the surface it's not a really good thing 

188 # break 


190 # WARNING/TODO: without the break above, points on 

191 # edges can be assigne to multiple surfaces 

192 # for edges between two surfaces of the same kind 

193 # it's okay but edges between neuman and dirchlet 

194 # pose a problem. 

195 # Might be good to clean the neumann matrix where there overlap to give 

196 # priority to dirichlet 


198 elif MESH_TYPE == "cylinder": 

199 # later check the good parameters needed (center/radius/orientation) 

200 raise NotImplementedError("Cylindrical meshes are not implement yet") 

201 else: 

202 raise KeyError(f"Unknown mesh type {MESH_TYPE}") 


204 # loop over all tetraedra to build up triangle meshes of dirichlet 

205 # convert node numbers into sets 

206 dirichlet_connectivity_all = [] 

207 dirichlet_points_all = [] 

208 for si in range(n_dirichlet): 

209 DSd_nn[si] = set(DSd_nn[si]) 

210 dirichlet_connectivity_all.append([]) 

211 dirichlet_points_all.append([]) 


213 # loop over dirichlet matrix 

214 for si, surface_node_numbers in enumerate(DSd_nn): 

215 for tetra_connectivity in connectivity: 

216 tri_con = list(surface_node_numbers.intersection(tetra_connectivity)) 

217 tri_nodes = [list(points[i]) for i in tri_con] 

218 if len(tri_con) != 3: 

219 # the element doesn't have a triangle a this surface 

220 continue 


222 # get 4th point of the tetrahedron to compute 3D shape functions 

223 point_4_n = list(set(tri_con).symmetric_difference(set(tetra_connectivity)))[0] 

224 _, tri_coefficients = spam.mesh.shapeFunctions(tri_nodes + [list(points[point_4_n])]) 

225 # we've got a triangle on the surface!!! 

226 # dirichlet_direction = regularisation["bc_dirichlet"][si][2] 

227 dirichlet_connectivity_all[si].append(list(tri_con)) 

228 dirichlet_points_all[si].append(tri_nodes) 


230 # assemble the dirichlet connectivity matrix 

231 a = numpy.array(tri_coefficients[:3, 0]) 

232 bcd = numpy.array(tri_coefficients[:3, 1:]) 

233 B = numpy.array(tri_nodes).T 


235 def phi(i, L): 

236 return a[i] + numpy.matmul(bcd[i], numpy.matmul(B, L.T)) 


238 def dphi(i): 

239 return bcd[i] 


241 # gauss points 

242 L_gp = numpy.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.0], [0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5, 0.5]]) 


244 # STEP 3: compute the area 

245 area = 0.5 * numpy.linalg.norm( 

246 numpy.cross( 

247 numpy.subtract(tri_nodes[1], tri_nodes[0]), 

248 numpy.subtract(tri_nodes[2], tri_nodes[0]), 

249 ) 

250 ) 


252 # STEP 3: compute inner products of the shape functions 

253 for i in range(3): 

254 for j in range(3): 

255 inner = 0.0 

256 for L in L_gp: 

257 # print(inner, i, j, L, phi(i, L), phi(j, L)) 

258 inner += phi(i, L) * phi(j, L) 

259 inner *= area / 3.0 # the 1/3. comes from the weight 

260 dinner = area * numpy.inner(dphi(i), dphi(j)) 

261 for dirichlet_direction in range(3): 

262 P = 3 * tri_con[i] + dirichlet_direction 

263 Q = 3 * tri_con[j] + dirichlet_direction 

264 DSd_A[si][P, Q] += inner 

265 DSd_B[si][P, Q] += dinner 


267 for si in range(n_dirichlet): 

268 # invert matrix A 

269 # 1. extract submatrix A from full size DSd_A and invert 

270 sub_A = DSd_A[si][:, DSd_en[si]] 

271 sub_A = numpy.linalg.inv(sub_A[DSd_en[si], :]) 

272 # 2. push back inverted submatrix into full size DSd_A 

273 for i, P in enumerate(DSd_en[si]): 

274 for j, Q in enumerate(DSd_en[si]): 

275 DSd_A[si][P, Q] = sub_A[i, j] 


277 # DEBUG 

278 # for si, _ in enumerate(dirichlet_connectivity_all): 

279 # a = numpy.array(dirichlet_connectivity_all[si]) 

280 # meshio.write_points_cells( 

281 # f'dirichlet_{si}.vtk', 

282 # points, 

283 # {'triangle': a}, 

284 # file_format='vtk', 

285 # binary=False 

286 # ) 


288 # diagonal matrix with 1 only on bulks dof 

289 DB = numpy.eye(K.shape[0]) - DS 


291 # 4.1 build bulk connectivity matrix 

292 Km = numpy.matmul(DB + DSn, K) 

293 # 4.2 build dirichlet connectivity matrices 

294 Ks = [numpy.matmul(DSd_i, K) for DSd_i in DSd] 


296 # 5. normalisation of each functionals 

297 # 5.1: build v(x) = sin(2pi k.x) 

298 # lookup for largest dimension to build k 

299 lengths = [0, 0, 0] 

300 for i in range(3): 

301 lengths[i] = surfaces_positions[i + 3] - surfaces_positions[i] 

302 largest_direction = numpy.argmax(lengths) 

303 largest_size = numpy.max(lengths) 

304 k = [0, 0, 0] 

305 k_mag = BULK_FEW / float(largest_size) 

306 k[largest_direction] = k_mag 

307 # print(f"[regularisation] k = {k} |k| = {numpy.linalg.norm(k)} 1/|k| = {1.0 / numpy.linalg.norm(k)}") 


309 # build pure shear field for normalisation 

310 v = [] 

311 for point in points: 

312 vector = [0, 0, 0] 

313 norm = numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi *, point)) 

314 vector[(largest_direction + 1) % 3] = numpy.sqrt(0.5) * norm 

315 vector[(largest_direction + 2) % 3] = numpy.sqrt(0.5) * norm 

316 # vector[(largest_direction + 1) % 3] = norm 

317 v.append(vector) 

318 # print(point, k,, point), norm, vector) 


320 # debug build vtk with v(x) on current mesh 

321 v = numpy.array(v) 

322 spam.helpers.writeUnstructuredVTK( 

323 points, 

324 connectivity, 

325 elementType="tetra", 

326 pointData={"v": v}, 

327 cellData={}, 

328 fileName="debug-regularisation-v.vtk", 

329 ) 


331 # 5.2 compute normalized energies 

332 v = numpy.ravel(v) 

333 Ec = numpy.matmul(v.T, numpy.matmul(Mc, v)) 

334 Em = numpy.matmul(v.T, numpy.matmul(Km.T, numpy.matmul(Km, v))) 

335 Es = [ 

336 numpy.matmul( 

337 v.T, 

338 numpy.matmul( 

339 Ks[i].T, 

340 numpy.matmul(DSd_A[i], numpy.matmul(DSd_B[i], numpy.matmul(Ks[i], v))), 

341 ), 

342 ) 

343 for i in range(n_dirichlet) 

344 ] 


346 Es_string = " ".join([f"{_:.0f}" for _ in Es]) 

347 print(f"[regularisation] Ec = {Ec:.0f}, Em = {Em:.0f}, Es = {Es_string}") 


349 # 5.3 compute functional weights 

350 # 5.3.1 DVC weight 

351 omega_c = 1.0 


353 # 5.3.2 Neumann weight 

354 ksi = BULK_KSI if BULK_KSI else 1.0 / k_mag 

355 print(f"[regularisation] [neumann] ksi = {ksi}") 

356 omega_m = (ksi * numpy.linalg.norm(k)) ** 4 


358 # 5.3.3 Dirichlet weight 

359 omega_s = [] 

360 for _, ksi in DIRICHLET_SURFACES: 

361 if ksi == 0: # compute value based on k_mag 

362 ksi = 1.0 / k_mag 

363 print(f"[regularisation] [dirichlet] use 1/k_mag for ksi for surface {_}: {ksi}") 

364 omega_s.append((ksi * numpy.linalg.norm(k)) ** 4) 


366 # 5.3.4 Total weigth for normalisation 

367 omega_t = omega_c + omega_m + sum(omega_s) 


369 print(f"[regularisation] omega_t = {omega_t:.2f}") 

370 print(f"[regularisation] omega_c = {omega_c:.2f} ({100 * (omega_c / omega_t):.2f}%)") 

371 print(f"[regularisation] omega_m = {omega_m:.2f} ({100 * (omega_m / omega_t):.2f}%)") 

372 for i, omega in enumerate(omega_s): 

373 print(f"[regularisation] omega_s_{i} = {omega} ({100 * (omega / omega_t):.2f}%)") 


375 # weight_m = omega_m * Ec / Em 

376 # weight_s = [omega_s[i] * Ec / Es[i] for i in range(n_dirichlet)] 

377 # print(f"[regularisation] weight_m = {weight_m}, weight_s = {weight_s}") 


379 # 5.4 compute Mreg 

380 Mreg = numpy.zeros_like(K) 

381 Mreg = Ec * omega_m * numpy.matmul(Km.T, Km) / Em 

382 for si in range(n_dirichlet): 

383 Mreg += omega_s[si] * Ec * numpy.matmul(Ks[si].T, numpy.matmul(DSd_A[si], numpy.matmul(DSd_B[si], Ks[si]))) / Es[si] 


385 # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 

386 # # plt.imshow(numpy.log(Mreg)) 

387 # plt.imshow(numpy.log(Mreg)) 

388 # 

389 # plt.imshow(numpy.log(Mc)) 

390 # 


392 # def phi_t(u): 

393 # omega_t = omega_c + omega_m 

394 # phi_c = omega_c * numpy.matmul(u.T, numpy.matmul(Mc, u)) / Ec 

395 # phi_c += omega_m * numpy.matmul(u.T, numpy.matmul(Km.T, numpy.matmul(Km, u))) / Em 

396 # phi_c /= omega_t 

397 # return phi_c 

398 # return 


400 return Mreg 



403def globalCorrelation( 

404 im1, 

405 im2, 

406 points, 

407 connectivity, 

408 regularisation={}, 

409 initialDisplacements=None, 

410 convergenceCriterion=0.01, 

411 maxIterations=20, 

412 medianFilterEachIteration=False, 

413 debugFiles=False, 

414 prefix="globalCorrelation", 

415 nThreads=None, 


417 """ 

418 Global DVC (works only with 3D images). 


420 Parameters 

421 ---------- 

422 im1 : 3D numpy array 

423 Reference image in which the mesh is defined 


425 im2 : 3D numpy array 

426 Deformed image, should be same size as im1 


428 points : M x 3 numpy array 

429 M nodal coordinates in reference configuration 


431 connectivity : N x 4 numpy array 

432 connectivityhedral connectivity generated by spam.mesh.triangulate() for example 


434 regularisation : dict (optional) 

435 regularisation parameters 


437 .. code-block:: python 


439 # ksi is a normalisation parameter to control the weight 

440 # of each functionals (DVC, bulk and surface). 

441 # If set to 0 it will be automatically computed. 


443 # Example for a cuboid mesh 

444 { 

445 # Information about the mesh 

446 "MESH": {"type": "cuboid"}, # mandatory 

447 # Information about the elastic regularisation 

448 # (Bulk + Neumann boundary conditions) 

449 "BULK": { 

450 "young": 10, # mandatory (Young modulus) 

451 "poisson": 0.25, # mandatory (Poisson ratio) 

452 "ksi": 30, # mandatory 

453 "few_times": 3, # optionnal (whatever...) 

454 }, 

455 # Information about the surface regularisation 

456 # (Dirichlet boundary conditions) 

457 # Each surface of the cuboid is labelled by the keywords 

458 # z_start: z == 0, z_end, y_start, y_end, x_start and x_end) 

459 # If a keyword is ommited the surface is not regularised. 

460 "DIRICHLET": { 

461 "ksi": { # mandatory 

462 "z_start": 0, # automatically computed 

463 "z_end": 30, # ksi normalisation is 30 

464 } 

465 }, 

466 } 


468 initialDisplacements : M x 3 numpy array of floats (optional) 

469 Initial guess for nodal displacements, must be coherent with input mesh 

470 Default = None 


472 convergenceCriterion : float 

473 Convergence criterion for change in displacements in px 

474 Default = 0.01 


476 maxIterations : int 

477 Number of iterations to stop after if convergence has not been reached 

478 Default = 20 


480 debugFiles : bool 

481 Write temporary results to file for debugging? 

482 Default = 'globalCorrelation' 


484 prefix : string 

485 Output file prefix for debugFiles 

486 Default = None 


488 Returns 

489 ------- 

490 displacements : N x 3 numpy array of floats 

491 (converged?) Nodal displacements 


493 Example 

494 ------- 

495 >>> import spam.DIC 

496 >>> spam.DIC.globalCorrelation( 

497 imRef, 

498 imDef 

499 ) 

500 """ 

501 import multiprocessing 


503 import spam.helpers 

504 import spam.mesh 


506 # Global number of processes 

507 nThreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if nThreads is None else nThreads 

508 print(f"[globalCorrelation] C++ parallelisation on {nThreads} threads") 


510 print(f"[globalCorrelation] Convergence criterion = {convergenceCriterion}") 

511 print(f"[globalCorrelation] Max iterations = {maxIterations}") 

512 print("[globalCorrelation] Converting im1 to 32-bit float") 

513 im1 = im1.astype("<f4") 


515 points = points.astype("<f8") 

516 connectivity = connectivity.astype("<u4") 


518 maxCoord = numpy.amax(points, axis=0).astype("<u2") 

519 minCoord = numpy.amin(points, axis=0).astype("<u2") 

520 print(f"[globalCorrelation] Mesh box: min = {minCoord} max = {maxCoord}") 


522 meshPaddingSlice = ( 

523 slice(minCoord[0], maxCoord[0]), 

524 slice(minCoord[1], maxCoord[1]), 

525 slice(minCoord[2], maxCoord[2]), 

526 ) 


528 displacements = numpy.zeros((points.shape[0], 3), dtype="<f8") 


530 print(f"[globalCorrelation] Points: {points.shape}") 

531 print(f"[globalCorrelation] Displacements: {displacements.shape}") 

532 print(f"[globalCorrelation] Cells: {connectivity.shape}") 

533 print(f"[globalCorrelation] Padding: {meshPaddingSlice}") 


535 ############################################################### 

536 # Step 2-1 Apply deformation and interpolate pixels 

537 ############################################################### 


539 print("[globalCorrelation] Allocating 3D data (deformed image)") 

540 if initialDisplacements is None: 

541 im1Def = im1.copy() 

542 imTetLabel = spam.label.labelTetrahedra(im1.shape, points, connectivity, nThreads=nThreads) 

543 else: 

544 print("[globalCorrelation] Applying initial deformation to image") 

545 displacements = initialDisplacements.copy() 

546 tic = time.perf_counter() 

547 imTetLabel = spam.label.labelTetrahedra(im1.shape, points + displacements, connectivity, nThreads=nThreads) 

548 print(f"[globalCorrelation] Running labelTetrahedra: {time.perf_counter()-tic:.3f} seconds.") 


550 im1Def = spam.DIC.applyMeshTransformation( 

551 im1, 

552 points, 

553 connectivity, 

554 displacements, 

555 imTetLabel=imTetLabel, 

556 nThreads=nThreads, 

557 ) 

558 if debugFiles: 

559 print("[globalCorrelation] Saving initial images") 

560 for name, image in [ 

561 [f"{prefix}-def-init.tif", im1Def], 

562 [f"{prefix}-imTetLabel-init.tif", imTetLabel], 

563 ]: 

564 print(f"[globalCorrelation]\t{name}: {image.shape}") 

565 tifffile.imwrite(name, image) 


567 # print("[globalCorrelation] Correlating (MF)!") 

568 print("[globalCorrelation] Calculating gradient of IM TWO...") 

569 im2Grad = numpy.array(numpy.gradient(im2), dtype="<f4") 


571 print("[globalCorrelation] Computing global matrix") 

572 # This generates the globalMatrix (big Mc matrix) with imGrad as input 

573 Mc = numpy.zeros((3 * points.shape[0], 3 * points.shape[0]), dtype="<f8") 


575 if debugFiles: 

576 print("[globalCorrelation] Computing debug files fields") 

577 gradientPerTet = numpy.zeros((connectivity.shape[0], 3), dtype="<f8") 

578 IDPerTet = numpy.array([_ for _ in range(connectivity.shape[0])]) 


580 computeGradientPerTet( 

581 imTetLabel.astype("<u4"), 

582 im2Grad.astype("<f4"), 

583 connectivity.astype("<u4"), 

584 (points + displacements).astype("<f8"), 

585 gradientPerTet, 

586 ) 


588 spam.helpers.writeUnstructuredVTK( 

589 (points + displacements), 

590 connectivity, 

591 cellData={"meanGradient": gradientPerTet, "id": IDPerTet}, 

592 fileName=f"{prefix}-gradient.vtk", 

593 ) 

594 del gradientPerTet 


596 computeDICglobalMatrix( 

597 imTetLabel.astype("<u4"), 

598 im2Grad.astype("<f4"), 

599 connectivity.astype("<u4"), 

600 (points + displacements).astype("<f8"), 

601 Mc, 

602 ) 


604 ############################################################### 

605 # Setup left hand vector 

606 ############################################################### 

607 if len(regularisation): 

608 print("[globalCorrelation] Entering regularisation") 

609 Mreg = _makeRegularisationMatrix(regularisation, points, connectivity, Mc) 

610 left_hand_inverse = numpy.linalg.inv(Mc + Mreg) 

611 else: 

612 print("[globalCorrelation] Skip regularisation") 

613 left_hand_inverse = numpy.linalg.inv(Mc) 

614 del Mc 


616 # error = _errorCalc(im2, im1Def, im1, meshPaddingSlice) 

617 # print("\[globalCorrelation] Initial Error (abs) = ", error) 


619 # We try to solve Md=F 

620 # while error > 0.1 and error < errorIn: 

621 # while error > 0.1 and i <= maxIterations and error < errorIn: 

622 dxNorm = numpy.inf 

623 i = 0 

624 while dxNorm > convergenceCriterion and i < maxIterations: 

625 i += 1 


627 # This function returns globalVector (F) taking in im1Def and im2 and the gradients 

628 tic = time.perf_counter() 

629 # print("[globalCorrelation] [newton] run computeDICglobalVector: ", end="") 

630 right_hand_vector = numpy.zeros((3 * points.shape[0]), dtype="<f8") 

631 computeDICglobalVector( 

632 imTetLabel.astype("<u4"), 

633 im2Grad.astype("<f4"), 

634 im1Def.astype("<f4"), 

635 im2.astype("<f4"), 

636 connectivity.astype("<u4"), 

637 (points + displacements).astype("<f8"), 

638 right_hand_vector, 

639 ) 

640 # print(f"{time.perf_counter()-tic:.3f} seconds.") 


642 tic = time.perf_counter() 

643 # print("[globalCorrelation] [newton] run solve: ", end="") 


645 # solve: we can use solve here for sake of precision (over computing 

646 # M^-1). However solve takes quite a lot of time for "small" meshes). 


648 if len(regularisation): 

649 right_hand_vector -= numpy.matmul(Mreg, displacements.ravel()) 

650 dx = numpy.matmul(left_hand_inverse, right_hand_vector).astype("<f8") 

651 # dx_solve = numpy.linalg.solve( 

652 # Mc, 

653 # right_hand_vector 

654 # ).astype('<f8') 

655 # print(numpy.linalg.norm(dx - dx_solve)) 


657 displacements += dx.reshape(points.shape[0], 3) 

658 dxNorm = numpy.linalg.norm(dx) 

659 # print(f"{time.perf_counter()-tic:.3f} seconds.") 


661 if medianFilterEachIteration: 

662 # use connectivity to filter 

663 print("[globalCorrelation] [newton] Median filter of displacements...") 

664 for nodeNumber in range(points.shape[0]): 

665 # get rows of connectivity (i.e., tets) which include this point 

666 connectedTets = numpy.where(connectivity == nodeNumber)[0] 

667 neighbourPoints = numpy.unique(connectivity[connectedTets]) 

668 diff = numpy.median(displacements[neighbourPoints], axis=0) - displacements[nodeNumber] 

669 displacements[nodeNumber] += 0.5 * diff 


671 tic = time.perf_counter() 

672 # print("[globalCorrelation] [newton] run labelTetrahedra: ", end="") 


674 imTetLabel = spam.label.labelTetrahedra(im1.shape, points + displacements, connectivity, nThreads=nThreads) 

675 # print(f"{time.perf_counter()-tic:.3f} seconds.") 


677 tic = time.perf_counter() 

678 # print("[globalCorrelation] [newton] run applyMeshTransformation: ", end="") 

679 im1Def = spam.DIC.applyMeshTransformation( 

680 im1, 

681 points, 

682 connectivity, 

683 displacements, 

684 imTetLabel=imTetLabel, 

685 nThreads=nThreads, 

686 ) 

687 # print(f"{time.perf_counter()-tic:.3f} seconds.") 


689 if debugFiles: 

690 tifffile.imwrite(f"{prefix}-def-i{i:03d}.tif", im1Def) 

691 tifffile.imwrite( 

692 f"{prefix}-residual-cropped-i{i:03d}.tif", 

693 im1Def[meshPaddingSlice] - im2[meshPaddingSlice], 

694 ) 

695 # tifffile.imwrite(f"{prefix}-imTetLabel-i{i:03d}.tif", imTetLabel) 


697 pointData = {"displacements": displacements, "initialDisplacements": initialDisplacements, "fluctuations": numpy.subtract(displacements, initialDisplacements)} 


699 # compute strain for each fields 

700 cellData = {} 

701 components = ["vol", "dev", "volss", "devss"] 

702 for fieldName, field in pointData.items(): 

703 Ffield = spam.deformation.FfieldBagi(points, connectivity, field, verbose=False) 

704 decomposedFfield = spam.deformation.decomposeFfield(Ffield, components) 

705 for c in components: 

706 cellData[f"{fieldName}-{c}"] = decomposedFfield[c] 


708 spam.helpers.writeUnstructuredVTK( 

709 points.copy(), 

710 connectivity.copy(), 

711 pointData=pointData, 

712 cellData=cellData, 

713 fileName=f"{prefix}-displacementFE-i{i:03d}.vtk", 

714 ) 


716 # print("\t\[globalCorrelation] Error Out = %0.5f%%" % (error)) 

717 # reshapedDispl = displacements.reshape(points.shape[0], 3) 

718 dMin = numpy.min(displacements, axis=0) 

719 dMed = numpy.median(displacements, axis=0) 

720 dMax = numpy.max(displacements, axis=0) 

721 strMin = f"Min={dMin[0]: .3f} {dMin[1]: .3f} {dMin[2]: .3f}" 

722 strMed = f"Med={dMed[0]: .3f} {dMed[1]: .3f} {dMed[2]: .3f}" 

723 strMax = f"Max={dMax[0]: .3f} {dMax[1]: .3f} {dMax[2]: .3f}" 

724 print(f"[globalCorrelation] [newton] i={i:03d}, displacements {strMin}, {strMed}, {strMax}, dx={dxNorm:.2f}") 


726 return displacements