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2Library of SPAM random field generation functions based on R. 

3Copyright (C) 2020 SPAM Contributors 


5This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it 

6under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 

7Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) 

8any later version. 


10This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 

11ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 

12FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for 

13more details. 


15You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 

16this program. If not, see <>. 



19import numpy 

20import tifffile 

21import spam.helpers 



24def simulateRandomField(lengths=(1, 1, 1), nNodes=(10, 10, 10), covariance={'type': 'stable', 'alpha': 2}, 

25 seed='NA', method=None, maxGB=1, dim=2, nRea=1, data=None, given=None, 

26 tifFile=None, fieldFile=None, vtkFile=None, 

27 verbose=False, RprintLevel=0): 

28 """Generate a Correlated Random Field based on the package RandomFields (cran-R). Wrapping is handled by the module rpy2. 


30 * cran-R: 

31 * Package RandomFields (Martin Schlather): 

32 * rpy2: 


34 Parameters 

35 ---------- 

36 lengths : array of float, default=(1,1,1) 

37 Length of the definition domain in every directions (should be size of dim). 

38 nNodes : array of int, default=(10,10,10) 

39 Number of nodes in every directions (should be size of dim). 

40 covariance : dictionary (default {'type':'stable', 'alpha':2}) 

41 Sets the type of covariance and its parameters. It defines the 'RMmodel'. Note: stable with alpha = 2 is the Gaussian covariance function. 

42 seed : string, default='NA' 

43 Defines the seed for the generator of random numbers. If seed=0, all realisations are the same. 

44 method : string, default=None 

45 Describe the RP method for R. If `None` given the default behavior is used (R looks for the best one). Works with method=`circulant` (FFT needs a lot of memory) method=`tbm` (turning band method) 

46 dim : int 

47 spatial dimention 

48 nRea: int, default=1 

49 number of realisations 

50 given: string 

51 string input for given in RFsimulation for conditional simulations. Ex. given='c(0,1)' sets node at x=0 and x=1. 

52 data: string 

53 string input for data in RFsimulation for conditional simulations. Ex. data='c(0,0)' sets values for node 1 and 2 at 0. 

54 maxGB: float,default=1 

55 set the maximum memory that R can use. 

56 RprintLevel: int, default=0 

57 The print level of R. The higher it is the more information is printed. 

58 verbose: bool, default=False 

59 Verbose mode if True. 

60 tifFile: string, default=None 

61 If not None, the base name of the tif files saved. 

62 fieldFile: string, default=None 

63 If not None, the base name of the field files saved. One file is saved for each realisation. 

64 These file can be used as input for ``spam.mesh.projection``. 

65 vtkFile: string, default=None 

66 If not None, the base name of the vtk files saved. 


68 Returns 

69 ------- 

70 array: 

71 The realisations of the random fields. ``shape = (nx, ny, nz, nRea)`` 


73 """ 


75 # rpy2 

76 import rpy2.robjects.packages as rpackages 

77 from rpy2.robjects import r 


79 if verbose: 

80 print('*** Welcome to spam.excursions.randomfields.simulateRandomField()') 

81 # step 0: defines shortcuts 

82 if dim > 1: 

83 le = (lengths, lengths, lengths) if isinstance(lengths, float) else lengths 

84 n = (nNodes, nNodes, nNodes) if isinstance(nNodes, int) else nNodes 

85 nCells = [_ - 1 for _ in n] 

86 else: 

87 le = lengths if isinstance(lengths, (int, float)) else lengths[0] 

88 n = nNodes if isinstance(nNodes, (int, float)) else nNodes[0] 

89 nCells = n - 1 


91 if verbose: 

92 print('*\tLengths : {}'.format(le)) 

93 print('*\tNumber of nodes: {}'.format(n)) 

94 print('*\tNumber of cells: {}'.format(nCells)) 

95 print('*\tCovariance:') 

96 for key, value in covariance.items(): 

97 print('*\t\t {}: {}'.format(key, value)) 

98 print('*') 


100 # Step 1: R and RandomFields preparation 

101 # Step 1.1: import package 

102 if verbose: 

103 print('* Import R package RandomFields') 

104 try: 

105 rpackages.importr("RandomFields") 

106 except BaseException: # no cover 

107 if verbose: 

108 print('*\tFail import.') 

109 if verbose: 

110 print('*\tTrying to install package RandomFields.') 

111 # from rpy2.robjects.vectors import StrVector 

112 utils = rpackages.importr('utils') 

113 utils.chooseCRANmirror(ind=1) 

114 utils.install_packages('RandomFields') 

115 rpackages.importr('RandomFields') 

116 if verbose: 

117 print('*\tPackage successfully installed and loaded.') 


119 # Step 1.2: RMmodel 

120 try: 

121 if covariance['type'] == 'stable': 

122 if 'variance' not in covariance: 

123 covariance['variance'] = 1.0 

124 if 'correlation_length' not in covariance: 

125 covariance['correlation_length'] = 1.0 

126 if 'alpha' not in covariance: 

127 covariance['alpha'] = 2 

128 _r_RMmodel = 'RMstable(var={variance}, scale={correlation_length}, alpha={alpha})'.format(**covariance) 

129 elif covariance['type'] == 'matern': 

130 if 'variance' not in covariance: 

131 covariance['variance'] = 1 

132 if 'correlation_length' not in covariance: 

133 covariance['correlation_length'] = 1 

134 if 'nu' not in covariance: 

135 covariance['nu'] = 2 

136 _r_RMmodel = 'RMmatern(nu={nu}, var={variance}, scale={correlation_length})'.format(**covariance) 

137 elif covariance['type'] == 'bessel': 

138 if 'variance' not in covariance: 

139 covariance['variance'] = 1 

140 if 'correlation_length' not in covariance: 

141 covariance['correlation_length'] = 1 

142 if 'nu' not in covariance: 

143 covariance['nu'] = 2 

144 _r_RMmodel = 'RMbessel(nu={nu}, var={variance}, scale={correlation_length})'.format(**covariance) 

145 elif covariance['type'] == 'dampedcos': 

146 if 'variance' not in covariance: 

147 covariance['variance'] = 1 

148 if 'correlation_length' not in covariance: 

149 covariance['correlation_length'] = 1 

150 if 'lambda' not in covariance: 

151 covariance['lambda'] = 0 

152 _r_RMmodel = 'RMdampedcos(lambda={lambda},var={variance}, scale={correlation_length})'.format(**covariance) 

153 elif covariance['type'] == 'sinepower': 

154 if 'variance' not in covariance: 

155 covariance['variance'] = 1 

156 if 'correlation_length' not in covariance: 

157 covariance['correlation_length'] = 1 

158 if 'alpha' not in covariance: 

159 covariance['alpha'] = 2 

160 _r_RMmodel = 'RMstable(var={variance}, scale={correlation_length}, alpha={alpha})'.format(**covariance) 

161 except BaseException: 

162 _r_RMmodel = covariance 

163 if verbose: 

164 print('*\tRMmodel: {}'.format(_r_RMmodel)) 


166 # Step 1.3: RPmodel (add circulant if necessary) 

167 if method is not None: 

168 _r_RPmodel = "RP{method}({rm})".format(method=method, rm=_r_RMmodel) 

169 else: 

170 _r_RPmodel = _r_RMmodel 

171 if verbose: 

172 print('*\tRPmodel: {}'.format(_r_RPmodel)) 


174 # Step 1.4: Options 

175 _r_printlevel = RprintLevel 

176 _r_options = 'RFoptions(seed={},spConform=FALSE,cPrintlevel={})'.format( 

177 seed, _r_printlevel) 

178 if verbose: 

179 print('*\tOptions: {}'.format(_r_options)) 


181 # Step 1.5: Grid, RFsimulate and sequence 

182 _r_grid = 'NULL' 

183 _r_RFsimulate = 'RFsimulate' 

184 if dim == 1: 

185 _r_x = 'seq(0.0, {}, {})'.format(le, float(le) / (n - 1)) 

186 else: 

187 _r_x = 'seq(0.0, {}, {})'.format(le[0], float(le[0]) / (n[0] - 1)) 

188 if dim > 1: 

189 _r_y = 'seq(0.0, {}, {})'.format(le[1], float(le[1]) / (n[1] - 1)) 

190 if dim > 2: 

191 _r_z = 'seq(0.0, {}, {})'.format(le[2], float(le[2]) / (n[2] - 1)) 


193 # step 2: transform _r_string into r objects 

194 if verbose: 

195 print('* Convert R object') 

196 rpmo = r(_r_RPmodel) 

197 rfsi = r(_r_RFsimulate) 

198 opti = r(_r_options) 

199 grid = r(_r_grid) 

200 if dim > 0: 

201 x = r(_r_x) 

202 if dim > 1: 

203 y = r(_r_y) 

204 if dim > 2: 

205 z = r(_r_z) 


207 if data is not None: 

208 data = r(data) 

209 else: 

210 data = r('NULL') 

211 if given is not None: 

212 given = r(given) 

213 else: 

214 given = r('NULL') 


216 # Step 3: launch r command 

217 if verbose: 

218 print('* Simulate Random Field') 

219 if verbose: 

220 print('<R>') 

221 if dim == 1: 

222 rf = numpy.array(rfsi(model=rpmo, x=x, grid=grid, n=nRea, given=given, data=data)).astype('<f4') 

223 if dim == 2: 

224 rf = numpy.array(rfsi(model=rpmo, x=x, y=y, grid=grid, n=nRea)).astype('<f4') 

225 if dim == 3: 

226 rf = numpy.array(rfsi(model=rpmo, x=x, y=y, z=z, grid=grid, n=nRea, maxGB=maxGB)).astype('<f4') 


228 if verbose: 

229 print('</R>') 


231 # save one tif for each realisation 

232 if tifFile: 

233 if verbose: 

234 print('* Save image(s):') 

235 for i in range(nRea): 

236 currentName = '{tifFile}_{rea:05d}.tif'.format(tifFile=tifFile, rea=i) 

237 if verbose: 

238 print('*\t{}'.format(currentName)) 

239 if dim == 1: 

240 if verbose: 

241 print('# /!\ Impossible do make tif with 1D Fields') 

242 elif dim == 2: 

243 if nRea == 1: 

244 tifffile.imwrite(currentName, rf.astype('<f4')) 

245 else: 

246 tifffile.imwrite(currentName, rf[:, :, i].astype('<f4')) 

247 elif dim == 3: 

248 if nRea == 1: 

249 tifffile.imwrite(currentName, rf.astype('<f4')) 

250 else: 

251 tifffile.imwrite(currentName, rf[:, :, :, i].astype('<f4')) 


253 # save dat files with good format for projmorpho ## only 3D 

254 if fieldFile and dim == 3: 

255 if verbose: 

256 print('* Save realisations in field files:') 

257 for i in range(nRea): 

258 currentName = '{o}_{i:05d}'.format(o=fieldFile, i=i) 

259 if verbose: 

260 print('*\t{}.dat'.format(currentName)) 

261 with open('{}.dat'.format(currentName), 'w') as f: 

262 f.write('{}, {}, {}\n'.format(*le)) 

263 f.write('0,0,0\n') 

264 f.write('{}, {}, {}\n'.format(*nCells)) 

265 if nRea == 1: 

266 for val in rf.flatten(): 

267 f.write('{}\n'.format(str(val))) 

268 else: 

269 for val in rf[:, :, :, i].flatten(): 

270 f.write('{}\n'.format(str(val))) 


272 # save dat files with good format for projmorpho ## only 3D 

273 if vtkFile and dim == 3: 

274 if verbose: 

275 print('* Save realisations in several vtk files:') 

276 for i in range(nRea): 

277 currentName = '{o}_{i:05d}'.format(o=vtkFile, i=i) 

278 if verbose: 

279 print('*\t{}.vtk'.format(currentName)) 


281 if nRea == 1: 

282 # tmp = rf.ravel() 

283 tmp = rf 

284 else: 

285 # tmp = rf[:, :, :, i].ravel() 

286 tmp = rf[:, :, :, i] 

287 spam.helpers.writeStructuredVTK(aspectRatio=[float(a) / float(b) for a, b in zip(le, nCells)], pointData={'RandomField': tmp}, fileName="{}.vtk".format(currentName)) 


289 if verbose: 

290 print('*') 

291 print('*** See you soon.') 


293 return rf 



296def parametersLogToGauss(muLog, stdLog, lcLog=1): 

297 """ Gives the underlying Gaussian standard deviation and mean value 

298 of the log normal distribution of standard deviation and mean value. 


300 Parameters 

301 ---------- 

302 muLog: float 

303 Mean value of the log normal distribution. 

304 stdLog: float 

305 Standard deviation of the log normal distribution. 

306 lcLog: float, default=1 

307 Correlation length of the underlying log normal correlated Random Field. 


309 Returns 

310 ------- 

311 muGauss: float 

312 Mean value of the Gaussian distribution. 

313 stdGauss: float 

314 Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. 

315 lcGauss: float 

316 Correlation length of the underlying Gaussian correlated Random Field. 



319 """ 

320 stdGauss = numpy.sqrt(numpy.log(1.0 + stdLog**2 / muLog**2)) 

321 muGauss = numpy.log(muLog) - 0.5 * stdGauss**2 

322 lcGauss = (-1.0 / numpy.log(numpy.log(1 + stdLog**2 * numpy.exp(-1.0 / lcLog) / muLog**2) / stdLog**2))**(0.5) 


324 return muGauss, stdGauss, lcGauss 



327def fieldGaussToUniform(g, a=0.0, b=1.0): 

328 """Transforms a Gaussian Random Field into a uniform Random Field. 


330 Parameters 

331 ---------- 

332 g: array 

333 The values of the Gaussian Random Fields. 

334 a: float, default=0.0 

335 The minimum borne of the uniform distribution. 

336 b: float, default=1.0 

337 The maximum borne of the uniform distribution. 


339 Return 

340 ------ 

341 array: 

342 The uniform Random Field. 

343 """ 

344 from scipy.special import erf 

345 return float(a) + 0.5 * float(b) * (1.0 + erf(g / 2.0**0.5)) 



348def fieldUniformToGauss(g, a=0.0, b=1.0): 

349 """Transforms a uniform Random Field into a Gaussian Random Field. 


351 Parameters 

352 ---------- 

353 g: array 

354 The values of the uniform Random Fields. 

355 a: float, default=0.0 

356 The minimum borne of the uniform distribution. 

357 b: float, default=1.0 

358 The maximum borne of the uniform distribution. 


360 Return 

361 ------ 

362 array: 

363 The Gaussian Random Field. 

364 """ 

365 from scipy.special import erfinv 

366 return 2.0**0.5 * erfinv(2.0 * (g - float(a)) / float(b) - 1.0)