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262 statements  

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1# Library of SPAM functions for dealing with fields of Phi or fields of F 

2# Copyright (C) 2020 SPAM Contributors 


4# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it 

5# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 

6# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) 

7# any later version. 


9# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 

10# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 

11# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for 

12# more details. 


14# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 

15# this program. If not, see <>. 


17import multiprocessing 


19import numpy 

20import progressbar 


22# 2020-02-24 Olga Stamati and Edward Ando 

23import spam.deformation 

24import spam.label 


26# Global number of processes 

27nProcessesDefault = multiprocessing.cpu_count() 



30def FfieldRegularQ8(displacementField, nodeSpacing, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False): 

31 """ 

32 This function computes the transformation gradient field F from a given displacement field. 

33 Please note: the transformation gradient tensor: F = I + du/dx. 


35 This function computes du/dx in the centre of an 8-node cell (Q8 in Finite Elements terminology) using order one (linear) shape functions. 


37 Parameters 

38 ---------- 

39 displacementField : 4D array of floats 

40 The vector field to compute the derivatives. 

41 #Its shape is (nz, ny, nx, 3) 


43 nodeSpacing : 3-component list of floats 

44 Length between two nodes in every direction (*i.e.,* size of a cell) 


46 nProcesses : integer, optional 

47 Number of processes for multiprocessing 

48 Default = number of CPUs in the system 


50 verbose : boolean, optional 

51 Print progress? 

52 Default = True 


54 Returns 

55 ------- 

56 F : (nz-1) x (ny-1) x (nx-1) x 3x3 array of n cells 

57 The field of the transformation gradient tensors 

58 """ 

59 # import spam.DIC.deformationFunction 

60 # import spam.mesh.strain 


62 # Define dimensions 

63 dims = list(displacementField.shape[0:3]) 


65 # Q8 has 1 element fewer than the number of displacement points 

66 cellDims = [n - 1 for n in dims] 


68 # Check if a 2D field is passed 

69 if dims[0] == 1: 

70 # Add a ficticious layer of nodes and cells in Z direction 

71 dims[0] += 1 

72 cellDims[0] += 1 

73 nodeSpacing[0] += 1 


75 # Add a ficticious layer of equal displacements so that the strain in z is null 

76 displacementField = numpy.concatenate((displacementField, displacementField)) 


78 numberOfCells = cellDims[0] * cellDims[1] * cellDims[2] 

79 dims = tuple(dims) 

80 cellDims = tuple(cellDims) 


82 # Transformation gradient tensor F = du/dx +I 

83 Ffield = numpy.zeros((cellDims[0], cellDims[1], cellDims[2], 3, 3)) 

84 FfieldFlat = Ffield.reshape((numberOfCells, 3, 3)) 


86 # Define the coordinates of the Parent Element 

87 # we're using isoparametric Q8 elements 

88 lid = numpy.zeros((8, 3)).astype("<u1") # local index 

89 lid[0] = [0, 0, 0] 

90 lid[1] = [0, 0, 1] 

91 lid[2] = [0, 1, 0] 

92 lid[3] = [0, 1, 1] 

93 lid[4] = [1, 0, 0] 

94 lid[5] = [1, 0, 1] 

95 lid[6] = [1, 1, 0] 

96 lid[7] = [1, 1, 1] 


98 # Calculate the derivatives of the shape functions 

99 # Since the center is equidistant from all 8 nodes, each one gets equal weighting 

100 SFderivative = numpy.zeros((8, 3)) 

101 for node in range(8): 

102 # (local nodes coordinates) / weighting of each node 

103 SFderivative[node, 0] = (2.0 * (float(lid[node, 0]) - 0.5)) / 8.0 

104 SFderivative[node, 1] = (2.0 * (float(lid[node, 1]) - 0.5)) / 8.0 

105 SFderivative[node, 2] = (2.0 * (float(lid[node, 2]) - 0.5)) / 8.0 


107 # Compute the jacobian to go from local(Parent Element) to global base 

108 jacZ = 2.0 / float(nodeSpacing[0]) 

109 jacY = 2.0 / float(nodeSpacing[1]) 

110 jacX = 2.0 / float(nodeSpacing[2]) 


112 if verbose: 

113 pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=numberOfCells).start() 

114 finishedCells = 0 


116 # Loop over the cells 

117 global computeOneQ8 


119 def computeOneQ8(cell): 

120 zCell, yCell, xCell = numpy.unravel_index(cell, cellDims) 


122 # Check for nans in one of the 8 nodes of the cell 

123 if not numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(displacementField[zCell : zCell + 2, yCell : yCell + 2, xCell : xCell + 2])): 

124 F = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) * numpy.nan 


126 # If no nans start the strain calculation 

127 else: 

128 # Initialise the gradient of the displacement tensor 

129 dudx = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) 


131 # Loop over each node of the cell 

132 for node in range(8): 

133 # Get the displacement value 

134 d = displacementField[ 

135 int(zCell + lid[node, 0]), 

136 int(yCell + lid[node, 1]), 

137 int(xCell + lid[node, 2]), 

138 :, 

139 ] 


141 # Compute the influence of each node to the displacement gradient tensor 

142 dudx[0, 0] += jacZ * SFderivative[node, 0] * d[0] 

143 dudx[1, 1] += jacY * SFderivative[node, 1] * d[1] 

144 dudx[2, 2] += jacX * SFderivative[node, 2] * d[2] 

145 dudx[1, 0] += jacY * SFderivative[node, 1] * d[0] 

146 dudx[0, 1] += jacZ * SFderivative[node, 0] * d[1] 

147 dudx[2, 1] += jacX * SFderivative[node, 2] * d[1] 

148 dudx[1, 2] += jacY * SFderivative[node, 1] * d[2] 

149 dudx[2, 0] += jacX * SFderivative[node, 2] * d[0] 

150 dudx[0, 2] += jacZ * SFderivative[node, 0] * d[2] 

151 # Adding a transpose to dudx, it's ugly but allows us to pass #142 

152 F = numpy.eye(3) + dudx.T 

153 return cell, F 


155 # Run multiprocessing 

156 with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool: 

157 for returns in pool.imap_unordered(computeOneQ8, range(numberOfCells)): 

158 if verbose: 

159 finishedCells += 1 

160 pbar.update(finishedCells) 

161 FfieldFlat[returns[0]] = returns[1] 

162 pool.close() 

163 pool.join() 


165 if verbose: 

166 pbar.finish() 


168 return Ffield 



171def FfieldRegularGeers( 

172 displacementField, 

173 nodeSpacing, 

174 neighbourRadius=1.5, 

175 nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, 

176 verbose=False, 


178 """ 

179 This function computes the transformation gradient field F from a given displacement field. 

180 Please note: the transformation gradient tensor: F = I + du/dx. 


182 This function computes du/dx as a weighted function of neighbouring points. 

183 Here is implemented the linear model proposed in: 

184 "Computing strain fields from discrete displacement fields in 2D-solids", Geers et al., 1996 


186 Parameters 

187 ---------- 

188 displacementField : 4D array of floats 

189 The vector field to compute the derivatives. 

190 Its shape is (nz, ny, nx, 3). 


192 nodeSpacing : 3-component list of floats 

193 Length between two nodes in every direction (*i.e.,* size of a cell) 


195 neighbourRadius : float, optional 

196 Distance in nodeSpacings to include neighbours in the strain calcuation. 

197 Default = 1.5*nodeSpacing which will give radius = 1.5*min(nodeSpacing) 


199 mask : bool, optional 

200 Avoid non-correlated NaN points in the displacement field? 

201 Default = True 


203 nProcesses : integer, optional 

204 Number of processes for multiprocessing 

205 Default = number of CPUs in the system 


207 verbose : boolean, optional 

208 Print progress? 

209 Default = True 


211 Returns 

212 ------- 

213 Ffield: nz x ny x nx x 3x3 array of n cells 

214 The field of the transformation gradient tensors 


216 Note 

217 ---- 

218 Taken from the implementation in "TomoWarp2: A local digital volume correlation code", Tudisco et al., 2017 

219 """ 

220 import scipy.spatial 


222 # Define dimensions 

223 dims = displacementField.shape[0:3] 

224 nNodes = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2] 

225 displacementFieldFlat = displacementField.reshape(nNodes, 3) 


227 # Check if a 2D field is passed 

228 twoD = False 

229 if dims[0] == 1: 

230 twoD = True 


232 # Deformation gradient tensor F = du/dx +I 

233 # Ffield = numpy.zeros((dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], 3, 3)) 

234 FfieldFlat = numpy.zeros((nNodes, 3, 3)) 


236 if twoD: 

237 fieldCoordsFlat = ( 

238 numpy.mgrid[ 

239 0:1:1, 

240 nodeSpacing[1] : dims[1] * nodeSpacing[1] + nodeSpacing[1] : nodeSpacing[1], 

241 nodeSpacing[2] : dims[2] * nodeSpacing[2] + nodeSpacing[2] : nodeSpacing[2], 

242 ] 

243 .reshape(3, nNodes) 

244 .T 

245 ) 

246 else: 

247 fieldCoordsFlat = ( 

248 numpy.mgrid[ 

249 nodeSpacing[0] : dims[0] * nodeSpacing[0] + nodeSpacing[0] : nodeSpacing[0], 

250 nodeSpacing[1] : dims[1] * nodeSpacing[1] + nodeSpacing[1] : nodeSpacing[1], 

251 nodeSpacing[2] : dims[2] * nodeSpacing[2] + nodeSpacing[2] : nodeSpacing[2], 

252 ] 

253 .reshape(3, nNodes) 

254 .T 

255 ) 


257 # Get non-nan displacements 

258 goodPointsMask = numpy.isfinite(displacementField[:, :, :, 0].reshape(nNodes)) 

259 badPointsMask = numpy.isnan(displacementField[:, :, :, 0].reshape(nNodes)) 

260 # Flattened variables 

261 fieldCoordsFlatGood = fieldCoordsFlat[goodPointsMask] 

262 displacementFieldFlatGood = displacementFieldFlat[goodPointsMask] 

263 # set bad points to nan 

264 FfieldFlat[badPointsMask] = numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan 


266 # build KD-tree for neighbour identification 

267 treeCoord = scipy.spatial.KDTree(fieldCoordsFlatGood) 


269 # Output array for good points 

270 FfieldFlatGood = numpy.zeros_like(FfieldFlat[goodPointsMask]) 


272 # Function for parallel mode 

273 global geersOnePoint 


275 def geersOnePoint(goodPoint): 

276 # This is for the linear model, equation 15 in Geers 

277 centralNodePosition = fieldCoordsFlatGood[goodPoint] 

278 centralNodeDisplacement = displacementFieldFlatGood[goodPoint] 

279 sX0X0 = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) 

280 sX0Xt = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) 

281 m0 = numpy.zeros(3) 

282 mt = numpy.zeros(3) 


284 # Option 2: KDTree on distance 

285 # KD-tree will always give the current point as zero-distance 

286 ind = treeCoord.query_ball_point(centralNodePosition, neighbourRadius * max(nodeSpacing)) 


288 # We know that the current point will also be included, so remove it from the index list. 

289 ind = numpy.array(ind) 

290 ind = ind[ind != goodPoint] 

291 nNeighbours = len(ind) 

292 nodalRelativePositionsRef = numpy.zeros((nNeighbours, 3)) # Delta_X_0 in paper 

293 nodalRelativePositionsDef = numpy.zeros((nNeighbours, 3)) # Delta_X_t in paper 


295 for neighbour, i in enumerate(ind): 

296 # Relative position in reference configuration 

297 # absolute position of this neighbour node 

298 # minus abs position of central node 

299 nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, :] = fieldCoordsFlatGood[i] - centralNodePosition 


301 # Relative position in deformed configuration (i.e., plus displacements) 

302 # absolute position of this neighbour node 

303 # plus displacement of this neighbour node 

304 # minus abs position of central node 

305 # minus displacement of central node 

306 nodalRelativePositionsDef[neighbour, :] = fieldCoordsFlatGood[i] + displacementFieldFlatGood[i] - centralNodePosition - centralNodeDisplacement 


308 for u in range(3): 

309 for v in range(3): 

310 # sX0X0[u, v] += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, u] * nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, v] 

311 # sX0Xt[u, v] += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, u] * nodalRelativePositionsDef[neighbour, v] 

312 # Proposed solution for #142 for direction of rotation 

313 sX0X0[v, u] += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, u] * nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, v] 

314 sX0Xt[v, u] += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, u] * nodalRelativePositionsDef[neighbour, v] 


316 m0 += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, :] 

317 mt += nodalRelativePositionsDef[neighbour, :] 


319 sX0X0 = nNeighbours * sX0X0 

320 sX0Xt = nNeighbours * sX0Xt 


322 A = sX0X0 -, m0) 

323 C = sX0Xt -, mt) 

324 F = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) 


326 if twoD: 

327 A = A[1:, 1:] 

328 C = C[1:, 1:] 

329 try: 

330 F[1:, 1:] =, C) 

331 F[0, 0] = 1.0 

332 except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: 

333 # print("spam.deformation.deformationField.FfieldRegularGeers(): LinAlgError: A", A) 

334 pass 

335 else: 

336 try: 

337 F =, C) 

338 except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: 

339 # print("spam.deformation.deformationField.FfieldRegularGeers(): LinAlgError: A", A) 

340 pass 


342 return goodPoint, F 


344 # Iterate through flat field of Fs 

345 if verbose: 

346 pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=fieldCoordsFlatGood.shape[0]).start() 

347 finishedPoints = 0 


349 # Run multiprocessing filling in FfieldFlatGood, which will then update FfieldFlat 

350 with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool: 

351 for returns in pool.imap_unordered(geersOnePoint, range(fieldCoordsFlatGood.shape[0])): 

352 if verbose: 

353 finishedPoints += 1 

354 pbar.update(finishedPoints) 

355 FfieldFlatGood[returns[0]] = returns[1] 


357 if verbose: 

358 pbar.finish() 


360 FfieldFlat[goodPointsMask] = FfieldFlatGood 

361 return FfieldFlat.reshape(dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], 3, 3) 



364def FfieldBagi(points, connectivity, displacements, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False): 

365 """ 

366 Calculates transformation gradient function using Bagi's 1996 paper, especially equation 3 on page 174. 

367 Required inputs are connectivity matrix for tetrahedra (for example from spam.mesh.triangulate) and 

368 nodal positions in reference and deformed configurations. 


370 Parameters 

371 ---------- 

372 points : m x 3 numpy array 

373 M Particles' points in reference configuration 


375 connectivity : n x 4 numpy array 

376 Delaunay triangulation connectivity generated by spam.mesh.triangulate for example 


378 displacements : m x 3 numpy array 

379 M Particles' displacement 


381 nProcesses : integer, optional 

382 Number of processes for multiprocessing 

383 Default = number of CPUs in the system 


385 verbose : boolean, optional 

386 Print progress? 

387 Default = True 


389 Returns 

390 ------- 

391 Ffield: nx3x3 array of n cells 

392 The field of the transformation gradient tensors 

393 """ 

394 import spam.mesh 


396 Ffield = numpy.zeros([connectivity.shape[0], 3, 3], dtype="<f4") 


398 connectivity = connectivity.astype(numpy.uint) 


400 # define dimension 

401 # D = 3.0 


403 # Import modules 


405 # Construct 4-list of 3-lists of combinations constituting a face of the tet 

406 combs = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 0], [0, 1, 3]] 

407 unode = [3, 0, 1, 2] 


409 # Precompute tetrahedron Volumes 

410 tetVolumes = spam.mesh.tetVolumes(points, connectivity) 


412 # Initialize arrays for tet strains 

413 # print("spam.mesh.bagiStrain(): Constructing strain from Delaunay and Displacements") 


415 # Loop through tetrahdra to get avec1, uPos1 

416 global computeOneTet 


418 def computeOneTet(tet): 

419 # Get the list of IDs, centroids, center of tet 

420 tetIDs = connectivity[tet, :] 

421 # 2019-10-07 EA: Skip references to missing particles 

422 # if max(tetIDs) >= points.shape[0]: 

423 # print("spam.mesh.unstructured.bagiStrain(): this tet has node > points.shape[0], skipping") 

424 # pass 

425 # else: 

426 if True: 

427 tetCoords = points[tetIDs, :] 

428 tetDisp = displacements[tetIDs, :] 

429 tetCen = numpy.average(tetCoords, axis=0) 

430 if numpy.isfinite(tetCoords).sum() + numpy.isfinite(tetDisp).sum() != 3 * 4 * 2: 

431 if verbose: 

432 print("spam.mesh.unstructured.bagiStrain(): nans in position or displacement, skipping") 

433 # Compute strains 

434 F = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) * numpy.nan 

435 else: 

436 # Loop through each face of tet to get avec, upos (Bagi, 1996, pg. 172) 

437 # aVec1 = numpy.zeros([4, 3], dtype='<f4') 

438 # uPos1 = numpy.zeros([4, 3], dtype='<f4') 

439 # uPos2 = numpy.zeros([4, 3], dtype='<f4') 

440 dudx = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype="<f4") 


442 for face in range(4): 

443 faceNorm = numpy.cross( 

444 tetCoords[combs[face][0]] - tetCoords[combs[face][1]], 

445 tetCoords[combs[face][0]] - tetCoords[combs[face][2]], 

446 ) 


448 # Get a norm vector to face point towards center of tet 

449 faceCen = numpy.average(tetCoords[combs[face]], axis=0) 

450 tmpnorm = faceNorm / (numpy.linalg.norm(faceNorm)) 

451 facetocen = tetCen - faceCen 

452 if, tmpnorm) < 0: 

453 tmpnorm = -tmpnorm 


455 # Divide by 6 (1/3 for 1/Dimension; 1/2 for area from cross product) 

456 # See first eqn., Bagi, 1996, pg. 172. 

457 # aVec1[face] = tmpnorm*numpy.linalg.norm(faceNorm)/6 


459 # Undeformed positions 

460 # uPos1[face] = tetCoords[unode[face]] 

461 # Deformed positions 

462 # uPos2[face] = tetComs2[unode[face]] 


464 dudx += numpy.tensordot( 

465 tetDisp[unode[face]], 

466 tmpnorm * numpy.linalg.norm(faceNorm) / 6, 

467 axes=0, 

468 ) 


470 dudx /= float(tetVolumes[tet]) 


472 F = numpy.eye(3) + dudx 

473 return tet, F 


475 # Iterate through flat field of Fs 

476 if verbose: 

477 pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=connectivity.shape[0]).start() 

478 finishedTets = 0 


480 # Run multiprocessing 

481 with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool: 

482 for returns in pool.imap_unordered(computeOneTet, range(connectivity.shape[0])): 

483 if verbose: 

484 finishedTets += 1 

485 pbar.update(finishedTets) 

486 Ffield[returns[0]] = returns[1] 

487 pool.close() 

488 pool.join() 


490 if verbose: 

491 pbar.finish() 


493 return Ffield 



496def decomposeFfield(Ffield, components, twoD=False, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False): 

497 """ 

498 This function takes in an F field (from either FfieldRegularQ8, FfieldRegularGeers, FfieldBagi) and 

499 returns fields of desired transformation components. 


501 Parameters 

502 ---------- 

503 Ffield : multidimensional x 3 x 3 numpy array of floats 

504 Spatial field of Fs 


506 components : list of strings 

507 These indicate the desired components consistent with spam.deformation.decomposeF or decomposePhi 


509 twoD : bool, optional 

510 Is the Ffield in 2D? This changes the strain calculation. 

511 Default = False 


513 nProcesses : integer, optional 

514 Number of processes for multiprocessing 

515 Default = number of CPUs in the system 


517 verbose : boolean, optional 

518 Print progress? 

519 Default = True 


521 Returns 

522 ------- 

523 Dictionary containing appropriately reshaped fields of the transformation components requested. 


525 Keys: 

526 vol, dev, volss, devss are scalars 

527 r and z are 3-component vectors 

528 e and U are 3x3 tensors 

529 """ 

530 # The last two are for the 3x3 F field 

531 fieldDimensions = Ffield.shape[0:-2] 

532 fieldRavelLength = 

533 FfieldFlat = Ffield.reshape(fieldRavelLength, 3, 3) 


535 output = {} 

536 for component in components: 

537 if component == "vol" or component == "dev" or component == "volss" or component == "devss": 

538 output[component] = numpy.zeros(fieldRavelLength) 

539 if component == "r" or component == "z": 

540 output[component] = numpy.zeros((fieldRavelLength, 3)) 

541 if component == "U" or component == "e": 

542 output[component] = numpy.zeros((fieldRavelLength, 3, 3)) 


544 # Function for parallel mode 

545 global decomposeOneF 


547 def decomposeOneF(n): 

548 F = FfieldFlat[n] 

549 if numpy.isfinite(F).sum() == 9: 

550 decomposedF = spam.deformation.decomposeF(F, twoD=twoD) 

551 return n, decomposedF 

552 else: 

553 return n, { 

554 "r": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3), 

555 "z": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3), 

556 "U": numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan, 

557 "e": numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan, 

558 "vol": numpy.nan, 

559 "dev": numpy.nan, 

560 "volss": numpy.nan, 

561 "devss": numpy.nan, 

562 } 


564 # Iterate through flat field of Fs 

565 if verbose: 

566 pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=fieldRavelLength).start() 

567 finishedPoints = 0 


569 # Run multiprocessing 

570 with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool: 

571 for returns in pool.imap_unordered(decomposeOneF, range(fieldRavelLength)): 

572 if verbose: 

573 finishedPoints += 1 

574 pbar.update(finishedPoints) 

575 for component in components: 

576 output[component][returns[0]] = returns[1][component] 

577 pool.close() 

578 pool.join() 


580 if verbose: 

581 pbar.finish() 


583 # Reshape on the output 

584 for component in components: 

585 if component == "vol" or component == "dev" or component == "volss" or component == "devss": 

586 output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(fieldDimensions) 


588 if component == "r" or component == "z": 

589 output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(Ffield.shape[0:-1]) 


591 if component == "U" or component == "e": 

592 output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(Ffield.shape) 


594 return output 



597def decomposePhiField(PhiField, components, twoD=False, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False): 

598 """ 

599 This function takes in a Phi field (from readCorrelationTSV?) and 

600 returns fields of desired transformation components. 


602 Parameters 

603 ---------- 

604 PhiField : multidimensional x 4 x 4 numpy array of floats 

605 Spatial field of Phis 


607 components : list of strings 

608 These indicate the desired components consistent with spam.deformation.decomposePhi 


610 twoD : bool, optional 

611 Is the PhiField in 2D? This changes the strain calculation. 

612 Default = False 


614 nProcesses : integer, optional 

615 Number of processes for multiprocessing 

616 Default = number of CPUs in the system 


618 verbose : boolean, optional 

619 Print progress? 

620 Default = True 


622 Returns 

623 ------- 

624 Dictionary containing appropriately reshaped fields of the transformation components requested. 


626 Keys: 

627 vol, dev, volss, devss are scalars 

628 t, r, and z are 3-component vectors 

629 e and U are 3x3 tensors 

630 """ 

631 # The last two are for the 4x4 Phi field 

632 fieldDimensions = PhiField.shape[0:-2] 

633 fieldRavelLength = 

634 PhiFieldFlat = PhiField.reshape(fieldRavelLength, 4, 4) 


636 output = {} 

637 for component in components: 

638 if component == "vol" or component == "dev" or component == "volss" or component == "devss": 

639 output[component] = numpy.zeros(fieldRavelLength) 

640 if component == "t" or component == "r" or component == "z": 

641 output[component] = numpy.zeros((fieldRavelLength, 3)) 

642 if component == "U" or component == "e": 

643 output[component] = numpy.zeros((fieldRavelLength, 3, 3)) 


645 # Function for parallel mode 

646 global decomposeOnePhi 


648 def decomposeOnePhi(n): 

649 Phi = PhiFieldFlat[n] 

650 if numpy.isfinite(Phi).sum() == 16: 

651 decomposedPhi = spam.deformation.decomposePhi(Phi, twoD=twoD) 

652 return n, decomposedPhi 

653 else: 

654 return n, { 

655 "t": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3), 

656 "r": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3), 

657 "z": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3), 

658 "U": numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan, 

659 "e": numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan, 

660 "vol": numpy.nan, 

661 "dev": numpy.nan, 

662 "volss": numpy.nan, 

663 "devss": numpy.nan, 

664 } 


666 # Iterate through flat field of Fs 

667 if verbose: 

668 pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=fieldRavelLength).start() 

669 finishedPoints = 0 


671 # Run multiprocessing 

672 with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool: 

673 for returns in pool.imap_unordered(decomposeOnePhi, range(fieldRavelLength)): 

674 if verbose: 

675 finishedPoints += 1 

676 pbar.update(finishedPoints) 

677 for component in components: 

678 output[component][returns[0]] = returns[1][component] 

679 pool.close() 

680 pool.join() 


682 if verbose: 

683 pbar.finish() 


685 # Reshape on the output 

686 for component in components: 

687 if component == "vol" or component == "dev" or component == "volss" or component == "devss": 

688 output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(*PhiField.shape[0:-2]) 


690 if component == "t" or component == "r" or component == "z": 

691 output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(*PhiField.shape[0:-2], 3) 


693 if component == "U" or component == "e": 

694 output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(*PhiField.shape[0:-2], 3, 3) 


696 return output